Blocked Tasks

This feature is available to the following product editions
  • Starter
  • Standard
  • Premium

In the case that something is preventing a task from being completed, that task can be marked as blocked. Blocked tasks are visually highlighted in Kanban, Row, and Plan Views, making them stand out for quick reference.

If you need to unblock a blocked task, follow the same steps to do so.

Additionally, TaskRay will track whether a task ever has been blocked in the process of completing a project. This information can be useful for reporting and identifying trends in a repeatable process. In addition to reports, this trend information will also be surfaced in the Template Performance View (if your organization is using templates).


Mark Task as Blocked Through Task Details

  1. Locate the task that you want to mark as blocked and open its Task Details.
  2. Double click on the Blocked field and select the checkbox. Alternatively, click Edit to enter editing mode and select the Blocked checkbox.
  3. Click Save or Save & Close.



[All Work] Mark Task as Blocked in Row View

  1. In Row View, hover over the Status section on any open task to reveal quick actions.
  2. Click on the Warning icon to block the task.



[All Work] Mark Task as Blocked in Plan View

In Plan View, you have the ability to add columns to the board to display task information. These columns can be edited to update tasks, which you can read about in the Edit Tasks support article.

To mark a task as blocked, follow these instructions:

  1. In Plan View, click on the Plus icon next to the Projects & Tasks sidebar header.
  2. Select Blocked.
  3. The Blocked column will appear, which will display Yes and No values to indicate whether tasks are blocked. Locate the task that you want to mark as blocked, hover over its Blocked cell, and click on the Pencil icon. This will allow you to edit the value in the cell.
  4. Check the checkbox in the cell. The task card in the sidebar will turn red and the cell will display Yes to indicate that the task is blocked.


[My Work] Mark Task as Blocked in My Work View

  1. In My Work View, hover over the Status section on any task to reveal quick actions.
  2. Click on the Warning icon to block the task.



Blocked Tasks - Visual Indicators

In most of the TaskRay views, blocked tasks will appear in red for quick visual reference.


[All Work] Kanban View



[All Work] Row View



[All Work] Plan View



[My Work] My Work View



Blocked Tasks and Reporting

TaskRay will track whether a task was blocked at any point throughout the entire process of completing a project. This information can be useful when looking to identify trends in a repeatable process, such as when looking at how the different projects created from the same template are performing compared to one another.

For this purpose, there are two fields on the TaskRay Task object that are populated whenever a task is blocked:

  • Number of Times Blocked: This field will count the number of times that the task got marked as blocked.
  • Was Task Ever Blocked?: This field will get checked on the task if that task was ever marked as blocked (regardless of the count).

While these fields can be used for reporting using the standard Salesforce reporting functionality, TaskRay will surface the information regarding blocked tasks in the Template Performance View under the Performance tab when looking at the projects or tasks groups created from a particular template (applicable if using the Templates functionality in TaskRay).

In Template Performance View, when you select a template, you will see a set of metrics relevant to that template. As part of that, you will see a summary of tasks that were blocked on any projects or task groups that were created from that template.

View Blocked Tasks on Projects or Task Groups Created from a Template

  1. In Template Performance View, click into the Select a Template Project field to select the template for which you would like to see the trends for blocked tasks.
    Note: If the selected template contains any task groups, you will see an additional field appear. You can use that field to narrow in on a template task group if needed.
  2. Selecting a template will populate the information in the boxes below. To view blocked tasks for the selected template, click on the Blocked Tasks link in the Template Trends box.
  3. This will open the Template Trends window. Here, you will see the list of tasks that have been blocked on the projects or task groups that were created from the selected template. The list of tasks is organized in the order of most commonly blocked. From here, you will be able to either view the details of the template task associated with the blocked tasks or you will be able to view and quickly navigate to the projects where the tasks were blocked.


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