Search for Tasks

This feature is available to the following product editions
  • Starter
  • Standard
  • Premium

In the My Work and All Work tabs, you can search for tasks and filter what you see on the board using the Find Tasks field in the TaskRay toolbar. You can search by task name, project name, task description, or task label.


Find Tasks

  1. When in the My Work or the All Work tab, click on the Find icon in the TaskRay toolbar.
  2. Type in the keyword that you want to search tasks by. As you type, TaskRay will narrow your tasks to match the search terms.

    Note: TaskRay will perform the search only for the selected projects/visible tasks on the board. In the All Work views, you can add projects to the board using the Projects list in the left sidebar.
  3. Click X to clear the results and close the Find box.


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