Create Task Groups

This feature is available on the following TaskRay Product Editions

  • Starter
  • Standard
  • Premium

There are a few different ways to create task groups in projects. You can create task groups in Task Group Mode in Kanban and Row Views, in Plan View, as well as from Project More Actions menu.

After you create task groups, your next step is to add tasks to them.


[All Work] [Kanban + Row] Task Group Mode

  1. In the left sidebar, click on a project to enter single project view. Alternatively, you can use Single Project Search to select the project.
  2. In Kanban or Row View, in the top right corner of the page, switch the Task Group Mode toggle to on.
    Note: If you can't switch the toggle to on (toggle is inactive), check that you only have one project selected in the left sidebar. Task Group Mode cannot be turned on when multiple projects are selected.
  3. Next to the toggle, click on + Add Task Group.
  4. In the dialog that comes up, enter the task group name and hit Enter on your keyboard.

    Tip: You can also set the placement of the new task group by selecting between Top or Bottom. This will place the new task group as either the first or the last in the project.


[All Work] Plan View

  1. In the left sidebar, select project(s) to add to the board.
  2. In Plan View, in the Projects & Tasks sidebar, click on the + icon next to the project name.
  3. Select Add New Task Group.
  4. In the row that appears below, enter the task group name and hit Enter on your keyboard.

The new task group will appear at the top of the list in the project.


[All Work + Performance] From Project

  1. In the All Work tab, in the left sidebar, hover over the project to which you want to add a task group and click on the More Actions icon that appears.
  2. Select Add Task Group.

    Tip: You can also add task groups to the project from the Performance tab Portfolio View. To do this, hover over the row for the project that you want to add a task group to, click on the More Actions icon on the far right, and select Add Task Group.
  3. In the dialog that comes up, enter the task group name and hit Enter on your keyboard.

    Tip: You can also set the placement of the new task group by selecting between Top or Bottom. This will place the new task group as either the first or the last in the project.


The new task group will be created and added to the project.

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