Project Favorites

This feature is available on the following TaskRay Product Editions

  • Starter
  • Standard
  • Premium

For quick access to your most needed projects, you can star any project to add it to your Favorites list. All starred projects will get added to the Favorites board filter, making it easy for you to locate those projects if needed.

In the All Work tab, the Favorites board filter can be accessed from the left sidebar,


In the Performance tab Portfolio View, the Favorites filter can be accessed from the Project Filters menu.


Note: If a project has a hierarchy, adding that project to your Favorites list will not automatically add the associated sub-projects to the list along with it.

Add Project to Favorites

All Work Tab

  1. In the left sidebar, hover over the project that you want to add to Favorites and click on the Star icon that appears. The project will now be added to the Favorites board filter.
  2. To remove a project from Favorites, hover over that starred project and deselect the Star icon.



[Performance] Portfolio View

  1. To add a project to Favorites in the Portfolio View, hover over the project row and click on the Star icon that appears to the left of its name.
  2. To remove a project from Favorites, hover over that starred project and deselect the Star icon.



Organizing Favorites

In the All Work tab, the list of your favorite projects can be reordered in the left sidebar using drag and drop actions.

  1. In the left sidebar, select the Favorites board filter.
  2. Under Projects, click on a project that you want to move and drag it to a new spot within the list.


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