Search for Projects

Note: This feature is available to the following product editions
  • Starter
  • Standard
  • Premium

There are a couple of different ways for locating projects in TaskRay.

Quick Find

In the All Work tab, the Quick Find feature can be used to search and filter the project list in the left sidebar.

  1. In the left sidebar, click on the Search icon in the Projects section.
  2. Start typing the name of the project that you want to locate. As you type, the project list will narrow to match the entered search terms.
  3. Click the X icon to clear the search results.



Single Project Search

All Work Tab

The list of visible projects in the left sidebar is determined by the selected board filter. If you need to expand your search to find projects that are not visible in your sidebar Projects list (in other words, expand the search to All Projects), you can use the Single Project Search. The Single Project Search allows you to find any unarchived projects.

  1. In the left sidebar, click on the Single Project Search board filter.
  2. Start typing the name of the unarchived project that you want to locate. As you type, TaskRay will auto-complete your lookup to narrow search terms.
  3. Select the project that you want to view. The board will filter to the selected project.
  4. Click the icon to clear the search results.


You can also use single project search to view project hierarchy. For example, you can search for the parent project in a hierarchy and then click on the Show hierarchy link that appears below the single project search field. Selecting this option will list all associated child projects in the left sidebar. To hide the hierarchy, click on Hide hierarchy.



[Performance] Portfolio View

Single Project Search

In Portfolio View, you can use Single Project Search to quickly navigate to the desired project. To do this, click on the Project Filters menu at the top of the page, select Single Project Search, and enter the name of the project in the field that appears.



Find Projects or Task Groups

In Portfolio View, you can also use the search field in the TaskRay toolbar to quickly locate a project (or task group) that is on the board. Using this option will filter the list of visible projects on the board according to the entered criteria.

  1. In the TaskRay toolbar, click on the Find icon.
  2. Type in the keyword that you want to search projects and task groups by. As you type, TaskRay will narrow the list of visible projects to match the search terms.

    Note: TaskRay will perform the search only for the visible projects/task groups. You can add projects to the board using the Project Filters menu in the page header.
  3. Click X to clear the results and close the Find box.


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