After TaskRay is installed and all of the necessary permissions are assigned to the designated TaskRay users, the app will become available for the users to access. If using Salesforce in Lightning, there will be two TaskRay app options in the App Launcher: TaskRay Lightning and TaskRay Lightning Console. In Classic, there will be one new TaskRay app.
TaskRay Lightning App
The TaskRay Lightning App will allow users to access TaskRay and manage projects and tasks all in one place. To access, click on the App Launcher icon in the Salesforce navigational toolbar and select the TaskRay app from one of the tiles.
Once seleted, users should see a set of predefined tabs in the Salesforce navigational toolbar along with a tab to access the TaskRay app.
TaskRay Lightning Console App
The TaskRay Console App provides a different way to interact with TaskRay using the Salesforce Console tabs. To access, click on the App Launcher icon in the Salesforce navigational toolbar and select the TaskRay app from one of the tiles.
The TaskRay Console App makes it easy to navigate between Projects and Tasks within the standard Salesforce interface by using tab-based navigation, namely tabs and subtabs. Additionally, the TaskRay Console App incorporates the utility bar, which is visible across the bottom of the screen and accessible on all Salesforce pages when navigating between them. In the TaskRay Console App, the utility bar comes preconfigured with the TaskRay My Work Lightning Component, which allows users to manage their tasks wherever they are in Salesforce. You can read more about the TaskRay Lightning Components in this article.
By default, whenever a project or task is opened in the TaskRay Console App, a new console tab is opened to display the record information in the standard Salesforce interface (rather than opening up the Project or Task Details pane). This behavior can be changed by a System Administrator in the TaskRay Global Settings (to access: Setup | Custom Settings | TaskRay Global Settings) by toggling the Do not use console tabs for TaskRay Nav setting. If this setting is checked, the app will default to open Project and Task Details as panes within TaskRay.
Additionally, two TaskRay Lightning Components are also available to be used with the Console App. The first is TaskRay Team, which is a component that is used on the TaskRay Project object. This component allows viewing and managing the project team directly from the TaskRay Project record.
The other component is the TaskRay Checklist, which is a component that is available for the TaskRay Task object. This component allows managing checklists on the TaskRay Task record.
TaskRay Classic App
If you are using Salesforce Classic, you can find the TaskRay app by clicking on the App Menu in the top right corner of the page and selecting TaskRay. This will display a set of predefined tabs along with a TaskRay tab to access the app. TaskRay will have full functionality when accessed through Salesforce Classic.