Multiple Record Types

This feature is available to the following product editions
  • Starter
  • Standard
  • Premium


About Record Types

Record Types can be added to TaskRay Projects and Tasks to offer different page layouts and picklist values for different kinds of records or different kinds of users.

You can set up Record Types for TaskRay objects in the following ways:

Multiple Project Record Types, One Task Record Type
Good for tracking different fields on different kinds of Projects with the same kinds of fields and potential statuses for Tasks.

One Project Record Type, Multiple Task Record Types
Good for tracking different kinds of fields and potential statuses on different kinds of Tasks while tracking the same fields on all Projects.

Multiple Project Record Types, Multiple Task Record Types
Maximum flexibility in tracking different combinations of fields and potential statuses on Projects and Tasks.

Enable and Modify Record Types [Admin]

Step 1: Manage Picklists

Record Types have the unique capability of filtering picklist values depending on Record Type. In TaskRay, this is especially useful for the List picklist, which controls the status of Tasks and the columns displayed in Kanban View. You can apply different List picklist values to different TaskRay Task Record Types to offer different status values for different kinds of tasks.

If you want to add new List picklist values that will apply to new TaskRay Task Record Types, the first step is to add all possible status values to the List picklist that you want to use for all of your Record Types. Later in the process, you’ll select which List values apply to which Record Types.

  1. From Setup, navigate to:
    • Lightning: Objects and Fields | Object Manager.
    • Classic: Create | Objects.
  2. Select TaskRay Task.
  3. in the Fields & Relationships section, select List.
  4. Scroll down to the Values section.  Here you can:
    • Click New to add a new value.
    • Click Edit to modify an existing value.
  5. Click Save.
Note: List values can overlap between multiple TaskRay Task Record Types, so you do not need to make duplicate values for each Record Type.


Step 2: Create Page Layouts

Using different Page Layouts for different Record Types allows you to display different sets of fields on different kinds of Projects and Tasks in TaskRay. You can create new Page Layouts to be used for various Project or Task Record Types, then customize those layouts to display different fields or page layout sections. If you want to create different page layouts for different TaskRay Project Record Types, follow these steps:

  1. From Setup, navigate to:
    • Lightning: Objects and Fields | Object Manager.
    • Classic: Create | Objects.
  2. Select TaskRay Project.
  3. Navigate to the Page Layouts section and click New.
  4. Choose whether to select an existing layout to clone and name your new Page Layout.
  5. Click Save.
  6. On the following page, customize your Page Layout by adding or removing fields from the layout. You can also add or customize sections of the Page Layout.
  7. Once finished, click Save.
  8. Repeat the process for any additional TaskRay Project Page Layouts that you want to create for various Record Types.

If you want to create different page layouts to apply to different TaskRay Task Record Types, repeat the above steps for the TaskRay Task object.


Step 3: Create Record Types

The next step is to create the desired Record Types for the TaskRay Project and/or TaskRay Task objects. If you want to create different TaskRay Project Record Types, follow these steps:

  1. From Setup, navigate to:
    • Lightning: Objects and Fields | Object Manager.
    • Classic: Create | Objects.
  2. Select TaskRay Project.
  3. Navigate to the Record Types section and click New.
  4. Enter a Record Type Label, Name, and Description.
  5. Select the Active checkbox.
  6. Select Enable for Profile checkboxes for the desired Profiles and select Make Default when applicable.
  7. Click Next.
  8. Select which Page Layout is applied to each Profile.
  9. Click Save.

If you want to create different TaskRay Task Record Types, repeat the above steps for the TaskRay Task object.


Step 4: Map Picklists to Record Types

If you created List picklist values that will apply to specific TaskRay Task Record Types, follow these steps to map picklist values to the appropriate Record Type:

  1. From Setup, navigate to:
    • Lightning: Objects and Fields | Object Manager.
    • Classic: Create | Objects.
  2. Select TaskRay Task.
  3. Scroll down to the Record Types section and select the desired Record Type.
  4. In the Picklists Available for Editing section, click Edit next to the List picklist.
  5. Select the List picklist values applicable to the selected Record Type. Remember, List picklist values determine the status values for a Task and control the available columns in Kanban View.
  6. Select a Default value using the dropdown. This will be the default List value for new TaskRay Tasks that belong to the selected Record Type.
  7. Click Save.
  8. Repeat the process for other TaskRay Task Record Types.

If desired, you can also control the values of other picklist fields on TaskRay Tasks or TaskRay Projects based on Record Type by following the same steps.


Step 5: Assign Record Types to Existing Records

If you are creating Record Types for the first time, existing Projects and Tasks will not automatically have a Record Type assigned.

TaskRay will display an Errors tab in the right sidebar to help you manually assign Record Types to Projects and Tasks:


Try It Out!

If you have configured multiple TaskRay Project Record Types, you should see a new Project Record Types dropdown in when creating a project.


If you have configured multiple TaskRay Task Record Types, you will also see a new Task Record Types selector in Kanban View. This allows you to select the desired Record Type to display Tasks and their appropriate List columns in Kanban View:


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