Prior to the October 2022 Release, organizations that used TaskRay Lightning Components had to install them via a separate package from the main TaskRay package.
With the October 2022 Release, we consolidated the packages so the TaskRay Lightning Components are now included in the TaskRay package.
In order to reap the benefits of this consolidation, Admins will need to update their lightning pages to use the components from the TaskRay package.
- Check if the TaskRay Lightning Components package is installed in your org
- Determine where TaskRay Lightning Components are currently used in your org
- Replace the deprecated components with the components in the TaskRay package
- Uninstall the TaskRay Lightning Components package
Step 1: Check if the TaskRay Lightning Components package is installed in your org
- From Setup, navigate to:
- Lightning: Apps | Packaging | Installed Packages
- Classic: Build | Installed Packages
- Under Installed Packages, look for the TaskRay Lightning Components package.Note: Ensure the Version Number is 1.136. If not, contact TaskRay Support for the install link to upgrade the package.
- If the package is installed, continue through the rest of this article.
- If the package is not installed, you can end here.
Step 2: Determine where TaskRay Lightning Components are used in your org
- If you are not already on the page, from Setup, navigate to:
- Lightning: Apps | Packaging | Installed Packages
- Classic: Build | Installed Packages
- Under Installed Packages, click Uninstall next to TaskRay Lightning Components.
- The Uninstalling a Package page, this will prompt you with a warning. Scroll to the bottom of the page, and select the Yes, I want to uninstall this package and permanently delete all associated components checkbox.
- Click Uninstall.
Step 3: Replace the deprecated components with the components in the TaskRay package
- In your production org, from Setup, navigate to:
- Lightning: User Interface | Lightning App Builder
- Classic: Build | Lightning App Builder
- Using the list of problems from Step 2, identify a Lightning Page with a problem. For example, the Home Page Default.
- In the Lightning App Builder, click Edit next to the page.
- Using the list of problems from Step 2, identify the component associated with the problem. For example, trMyProjects.
- In the Lightning App Builder, find the component and click on it. For example, TaskRay Projects. Confirm Deprecated is in the name of the component in the right side panel.Note: If deprecated is not in the name, the component does not need to be removed and you can skip to step 11.
- In the left side panel, use search or scroll to find the corresponding component that does NOT have deprecated in the name. For example, TaskRay Projects.
- Drag and drop the component onto the page next to the deprecated version.
- Click on the deprecated component, and note any settings and component visibility filters.
- Copy all settings and component visibility filters to the new component.
- Once all information is copied, delete the deprecated component by hovering over the component and clicking the trash can icon
- Repeat steps 4-10 for all problems on the selected Lightning Page.
- Once a page is completed, repeat steps 2-11 until all Lightning Pages have been updated.
Step 4: Uninstall the TaskRay Lightning Components package
- In your production, org from Setup, navigate to:
- Lightning: Apps | Packaging | Installed Packages
- Classic: Build | Installed Packages
- Under Installed Packages, click Uninstall next to TaskRay Lightning Components.
- On the Uninstalling a Package page, scroll to the bottom and select what you want to do with the TaskRay Component data. Select to either save or not save a copy of the package's data.
- Select the Yes, I want to uninstall this package and permanently delete all associated components checkbox.
- Click Uninstall.
You will be redirected back to the Installed Packages page. TaskRay Lightning Components should now appear under Uninstalled Packages. If you chose the option to save a copy of the TaskRay Components data, you will see a Data link next to TaskRay Lightning Components, which you can use to download your data.
That's it!
You've successfully removed the TaskRay Lightning Components package. Now your Admin has one less package to maintain and troubleshoot, and your TaskRay release upgrades will be streamlined moving forwards.