Task Status Lists

This feature is available to the following product editions
  • Starter
  • Standard
  • Premium

By default, TaskRay comes with four status lists: Holding, Prioritized, Started, and Finished. These status lists are used to organize tasks as the project progresses. In addition, each status is assigned a color, allowing you to quickly reference task statuses from other TaskRay All Work views.

Here is a quick overview of how the four default status lists can be used:

  • Holding: Tasks that need to be documented but are not ready for action or prioritization.
  • Prioritized: Tasks that have been placed in priority order. These tasks are the ones that need to be worked on next.
  • Started: Tasks that are currently in progress and work is being done.
  • Finished: Completed tasks.

Status lists (or columns) can be customized by your admin. It is possible to rename, add, or remove them from TaskRay. The colors that are assigned to each status list can be changed, and you can also configure which status list values will complete tasks.  Here are the instructions for customizing status lists: Modify Status Lists and Colors.

Lists, along with the tasks that they contain, can also be temporarily hidden from the TaskRay All Work views if necessary.


[All Work] Kanban View

In Kanban View, the statuses are represented by columns and tasks can be moved between the columns. Moving a task to a new column updates its status. Next to the column headers, you will also see a colored circle, which displays the count of how many tasks are within each status list. The color of the circle represents the color that was assigned to the status list (referenced in other views).


To move a task from one column to another to change its status, drag the task card from one column and drop it into the new column. You can move tasks in any direction, as well as skip columns if necessary.


You can also move a task to the next status column (one column at a time) using the Arrow icon on the Task Card.


Tasks can also be reorganized within columns for prioritization purposes. To do this, you will need to select the Whiteboard Sort option for sorting tasks. Keep in mind, the order of tasks in the columns in Kanban View will not affect any of the other views.

  1. In the Kanban View toolbar, click on the Change Sort Option button.
  2. Select Whiteboard Sort.
  3. To prioritize tasks within the columns, drag and drop the tasks into new positions within the column lists.


[All Work] Row View

In Row View, the task statuses will be displayed on the right side of the task cards. Notice that the status colors match the count circles next to the column headers in Kanban View.


You can hover over the Status section on any of the tasks to reveal quick actions. Tasks that aren't complete (by default, those with the Holding, Prioritized, or Started statuses) will reveal the following options:

  • Mark Task as Blocked (warning icon): Will make the task as blocked and turn the task card red.
  • Change Task Status List (arrows icon): Allows changing the status of the task.
  • Complete Task (checkmark icon): Will complete the task and move it to the final column.

Completed tasks (those with the Finished status by default) will also show the option to archive the task on hover over the Status section.



Note: These are the same actions that you will see on tasks in My Work if you hover over the task status boxes.


[All Work] Plan View

In Plan View, the task statuses are represented by the color of the task bars. However, there is one exception: if a task becomes overdue, it will appear in red regardless of its status.



[All Work] Calendar View 

In Calendar View, you will be able to see whether a task is completed or not via the indicators on the task bars. If a task is complete, you will see a checkmark on the task bar. The tasks that are not complete will display an empty checkbox instead. For those tasks, you can use the checkbox to complete them and advance them to the final status list column.



Hide a Status List

Status lists can be temporarily hidden from TaskRay. If you filter out a status list, all of the tasks from that list will disappear from all TaskRay All Work views (Kanban, Row, Plan, and Calendar). You can view the tasks again if you unhide/remove the filter the list. To filter by status list, you can incorporate the TaskRay Task - List field in your org's filter configurations, which you can read more about here: Using Flex Filters.

In addition, you can also hide columns in Kanban View by clicking on the << icons in the column headers. When you hide a column in Kanban, tasks with that status can still be viewed in other All Work views.

To unhide a column in Kanban, click on the hidden column name in Kanban or deselect the hidden list in the Show/Hide Lists menu.


Configure Status Lists to Complete Tasks [Admin]

Each status list value can be configured to complete a task.  By default, the Finished status list value is the only one that completes tasks.  However, you can configure additional status list values to complete tasks by following the steps in this article: Modify Status Lists and Colors.

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