TaskRay URL Parameters

This feature is available to the following product editions
  • Starter
  • Standard
  • Premium

TaskRay uses a set of URL parameters to perform navigation between the standard Salesforce interface and the TaskRay tab. TaskRay customers can leverage these same URL parameters for their own custom integrations. For instance, we have seen these parameters used in the generation of custom workflow generated emails, as well as as the basis for links or iframes on custom intranet sites.

This article documents TaskRay URL parameters for use in custom integration scenarios.
For the purposes of the table below we will use for your specific Salesforce domain name.
In order to find this URL you can look in your browser's address bar when on a standard Salesforce page:  
You could see something like: https://na14.salesforce.com/home/home.jsp In this case, yours will be https://na14.salesforce.com 

You could see something like: https://bracketlabs.my.salesforce.com/home/home.jsp In this case yours will be https://bracketlabs.my.salesforce.com


TaskRay URL Parameters 

URL Parameter Key

Description and Possible Values

Example Usage

 projectid References a specific TaskRay project.

Value is any 15 or 18 character Salesforce record ID corresponding to the desired TaskRay Project.

Loads the project whose ID is a0ja000000L7dNpAAJ in the TaskRay tab and opens the modal pop-up window displaying the details of that project.

References a specific TaskRay Task. 


Value is any 15 or 18 character Salesforce record ID corresponding to the desired TaskRay Task.


Loads the project containing task ID a0ia000000C07jLAAR in the TaskRay tab and opens the modal pop-up window displaying the details of that task.
change_list Changes the List value for a specific TaskRay Task to the submitted new value and suppresses the relevant modal pop-up window displaying details of the referenced TaskRay Task.

Used in conjunction with taskid, change_list uses any valid TaskRay Task List picklist index. For example, in a default TaskRay installation picklist index 0 is the Holding column, picklist index 1 is the Prioritized column, picklist index 2 is the Started column, and picklist index 3 is the Finished column. If a TaskRay customer has customized the List picklist field values then the index values will correspond to the customized field values.


Loads the project containing task IDa0ia000000C07jLAAR in the TaskRay tab and changes the List value of the task to the value corresponding to index 0. 
showmodal Suppresses the relevant modal pop-up window displaying the details of the referenced TaskRay Task or Project.

Used in conjunction with projectid and taskid. When set to "false", this method will stop the TaskRay project or task detail view from appearing


Loads the project containing task ID a0ia000000C07jLAAR in the TaskRay tab and does not open the modal pop-up window displaying the details of that task.
 projectRecordTypeId  Changes the currently selected project record type to the id specified in the URL parameter.



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