Track Changes with Chatter Feed Tracking

To automatically track important field changes in TaskRay, you can set up Chatter Feed Tracking. You can select the fields that you want to track on the TaskRay Project, TaskRay Task Group, and TaskRay Task Objects. When changes are made to the selected fields, a Chatter post on the related Project or Task will be made that will communicate the change that took place.

Important: Chatter Feed Tracking must be enabled on the following TaskRay objects (even if you are not tracking specific fields for changes): TaskRay Project, TaskRay Task Group, and TaskRay Task. By default, these objects are enabled and it is required to keep them enabled for feed tracking. You can read more about such requirements in this article: Pre-Installation and Considerations.


Manage Feed Tracking for TaskRay Objects [Admin]

  1. From Setup, navigate to Feature Settings | Chatter | Feed Tracking.
  2. Navigate to TaskRay Project, TaskRay Task Group or TaskRay Task object from the list.
  3. Using the checkboxes, select the fields that you would like to track.
  4. Click Save.


Try It Out

For our example, we have left the Project End and Project Start fields checked in the Feed Tracking settings. In TaskRay, we changed the start and end dates for a project. The changes to the fields were recorded in the Chatter Feed for that project.


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