June 2017 - 1.621.4
- Dependent Date Calculations: Removed archived tasks from dependency update calculations.
June 2017 - 1.621.1 - 1.621.3
- Task Quick Find: Fixed issue where find was not functional with percentage labels.
- Plan View Quick Add: Fixed issue where the Quick Add was not functional with dependencies not enabled and the project open.
May 2017 - 1.619-1.621
- Record Type Configuration: Fixed issue with syncing record type picklist values to custom object since Summer '17.
- Calendar View + Mexican Locale: Fixed issue where the es_MX (Mexico locale) was failing to add a task in Calendar View.
- Cloning Sub Projects: Fixed issue where single quotes were escaped in subproject names during clone.
- Cloning Projects with a User Source Record Id: Fixed issue where a user source record id would cause a failure to update during clone, because it was trying to update the CreatedById field to match the source record id.
May 2017 - 1.618
- Added to team email: Optimized soql query usage.
- Quick Add: Fixed issue where a TaskRay field being marked required in fieldset could result in an error.
- Maximizing a modal: Fixed issue where a new project or task modal that has not been saved was minimized and then maximized, which could result in an error being presented to the user.
April 2017 - 1.617
- Daily Planner Email: Resolved issue where checklist items were intermittently not sorted correctly in the email.
- Row View: Fixed issue where the paperclip icon was not active/darker when files are attached to a task.
- Row View: Fixed issue where date fields reflected in the Task Card Labels could be shown one day off.
- Checklists: Fixed issue where the mini-page layout info icon was behind the task modal.
- Timesheet view: Fixed issue where disabled projects in the left sidebar could overlay the Timesheet view on smaller screens.
- Files: Fixed issue where non-admin users could encounter an error when deleting a file/link in the new Files tab.
April 2017 - 1.615 - 1.616
- Account Lookup: Removed BillingGeocodeAccuracy from available from fieldset.
- Added to team email : Fixed issue where the email would error if fired from automation run by an inactive user.
- Board Filter Sharing: Fixed UI issue where only groups the current user was part of would show in the sharing UI.
- Daily Planner Email: Fixed issue where the email would not send to trial customers.
- Daily Planner Email: Fixed layout issue with the Recent Activity daily planner section header.
- Plan View: Fixed UI issue where the Today highlight indicator was reflecting UTC time vs local time.
- Plan View: Fixed UI issue where minimized modal elements would go behind the plan view left sidebar.
March 2017 - 1.613 - 1.614
- Task Card Labels: Fixed issue with currency fields in the Task Card Label field set.
March 2017 - 1.612
- Added to Project Team email: Fixed issue where some orgs had a IsPortalEnabled field on the User object but the Network Member object did not exist.
March 2017 - 1.607 - 1.611
- Irish Locale: Fixed a date formatting issue with an Irish locale in a multicurrency org.
- Contributor record adding: Adding a global setting which will add Contributor records asynchronously when project, task, and checklist item records are inserted.
- Calendar View: Fixed an issue where it was difficult to resize events ending on a Saturday to be longer.
- Added to Project Team email: Fixed issue with employee and partner communities.
March 2017 - 1.606
- Team Migration: A batch size of 20 projects was too large for a subset of customers, rerunning migration with a batch size of 2.
- Dependent Class Compilation Issue: We saw an issue where a reference to LastViewedDate in a project trigger context could cause a compilation problem. Worked around this by performing dynamic getters and casting the field.
- Contributor Name Field: We saw an issue where some orgs had contributor records without a user or group id, this triggered validation rule error when attempting to set the Name field for the first time. We made a change where a batch update of a set of contributors would allow single records to fail instead of failing the entire batch.
March 2017 - 1.602 - 1.605
- Contributors: Added feature where if a contributor was added from inserting a project, task, or checklist item the contributor will be added asynchronously if there are only 30 remaining soql queries.
March 2017 - 1.601
- Remove Pricebook field set references: This was preventing installs in group edition
- Files Tab: Closed link entry form on submit.
March 2017 - 1.600
- Task Quick Search: Fixed issue with quick search not filtering when used with some null label fields.
- Files Tab: Resolved issue where very long file names would cause issues with file tab row layouts.
- Added to Team Notification: When cloning projects, added to team notifications will now be sent.
- Project Owner Change: When a project owner is changed, the manual shares related to that project are deleted by Salesforce. To overcome this issue, we convert manual shares to the TaskRay sharing reason, so they are not deleted.
- Remove Contract and Fiscal field set references: These were preventing installs in lower editions of Salesforce.
- Transfer Ownership and Remove Contributor: Fixed issue where we were transferring ownership on completed tasks and checklist items.
March 2017 - 1.599
- Project Clone: Fixed issue with an exception being thrown if context user does not have read/write to the project being cloned.
- Board Filter Sharing: Cleared groups when moving from "All users can see this filter" to "Share filter with group(s)"
March 2017 - 1.598
- Task Quick Find: Added support for searching label fields
- Sidebar Files: Fixed bug where we were showing files for all tasks within project, not just those currently displayed on the board
March 2017 - 1.597
- Checklist Quick Action App: Fixed bug where the checklist quick action would not load inside of a chatter action or in LEx.
March 2017 - 1.596
- Plan View: Fixed issue where the Task or Project detail modal would open if the task's start or end dates were changed, then moved back to the initial dates.
- Team Tab: Added a loading indicator for some long running transactions.
- Project Owner Reassign: Fixed an issue where shares of type "Manual" would be lost when a project owner changes. We are resolving this by recreating the shares with the "Added to TaskRay Project Team" sharing reason.
- Contributor Creation: Added a picklist field named "Initial Access Level" on the Contributor object. If project security is enabled, when a contributor is inserted a share will be inserted at the access level specified in this field. Possible values are Edit (default), and Read.
- Task Card Labels: Fixed issue where certain labels could result in the TaskRay board not loading with a "Attempt to de-reference null" error.
- Account and Opportunity Fields: Fixed issue with incorrect naming on the related list labels for these fields.
- Checklist Tab: Added all project contributors to the bottom bar of the checklist tab so they can easily be assigned checklist ownership via drag and drop.
- Daily Planner Email: Fixed issue where some orgs would have the job error with "Dependent Class is invalid and needs recompilation".
March 2017 - 1.595
- Team Migration: Fixed issue with the "Added By Sharing Rule" checkbox on the contributor object being incorrectly set on migration.