
This feature is available on the following TaskRay Product Editions

  • Starter
  • Standard
  • Premium

Using the Stitcher, you can build a project by combining templates or parts of templates. With this feature, you can build projects by joining together multiple template projects and task groups. While this is a great tool for the initial project setup, it is also useful for projects that are already in process. If you ever need to insert a set of tasks into an existing live project, you can do so by following the same steps.

The Stitcher allows you to search and select any of your template projects and task groups, which are then cloned and inserted into the selected project.

What are template task groups and where can they be found? Template task groups are those that are part of template projects. In other words, if a template project contains task groups, those task groups can be used in the Stitcher. To learn more, visit the Task Groups section of the guide.

When inserting a stitch, you will also have the ability to set the schedule for the inserted template project or task group, which can be based on the first task date, last task date, or milestone.

Inserting a project or task group stitch into another project will:

  • Copy all field values of the related tasks (including topics) and checklists
  • Copy task dependencies (if enabled)
  • Copy Task Files

Inserting a stitch will not copy over any associated Chatter conversations, although it will copy Chatter files.

Additionally, if the template project or task group that is being inserted contains tasks that are owned by team members who are not on the destination project team, those team members will be automatically added to the new project team.

The stitching process can also be automated using Salesforce Flow. You can read more about that in the Automatically Stitch Projects Using Flow article.

Similar to the full project templates, template task groups can also be analyzed in Template Performance View. In this view, you can see how the projects and task groups created using the task group templates are performing compared to the template targets, what the averages are, as well as view the template trends. With template trends, you can view and identify any potential bottlenecks and opportunities for making the templated process even more efficient.


Insert Stitch

  1. In the All Work tab, in the left sidebar, locate the project into which you want to insert a stitch, hover over its name, and click on the More Actions icon that appears.
  2. Select Insert Stitch.
  3. This will open the Insert Stitch window, which will be organized into steps. Step 1: Insert Stitch. Using the radio buttons, select between Project and Task Group.
    • Project: This option will allow you to search template projects. If the template project contains task groups, all of those task groups will be stitched into the destination project. If the project contains ungrouped tasks (tasks not assigned to a task group), those tasks will remain Ungrouped in the destination project.
    • Task Group: This option will allow you to search template task groups and select a single task group to be stitched into the destination project.
  4. Click into the search field. This will display 5 recently viewed template projects or task groups (depending on the option that you select). Click on a template name to select it. You can also search for template projects or task groups.
  5. Step 2: Schedule. Choose between Set first task dateSet last task date, and Set milestone date. This will determine the dates for the tasks in the inserted stitch: tasks in the stitch will be rescheduled automatically based on the selected option and date.
    • If you select Set first task date or Set last task date, you will need to click into the Date field and select the date for the first or last task of the stitch.
    • If you select Set milestone date, you will need to first click into the Select milestone field to pick a milestone (the menu will list all milestones in the original task group) and then click into the Date field to schedule it for the stitch.

      Note: The selected milestone must be scheduled in the template project or task group in order to be used for scheduling tasks in the stitch. If the selected template does not contain any milestones, this option cannot be used for stitching.
  6. Click Insert Stitch.

The stitch will be inserted into the selected project. 



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