Insert Template Checklists Into Tasks

Note: This feature is available to the following product editions
  • Starter
  • Standard
  • Premium

Rather than creating checklists from scratch, it is possible to clone an existing template checklist and insert it into the desired task.

Inserting a template checklist into a task will do the following:

  • Copy all field values of checklist items from the selected template checklist
  • Any checklist item owners who are not on the new Project Team will be automatically added to the Team
What are template checklists and where can they be found? Template checklists are those that are part of template projects. In other words, if a template project contains tasks with checklists, those checklists can be then cloned and inserted into other tasks using this feature.

As a best practice, to make it easier to search for template checklist groups, give them unique names when you are creating them in your templates. 


Insert Template Checklist

  1. Locate the task into which you would like to insert a checklist and open its Task Details.
  2. Click on the Checklist tab. 

    Tip: In Kanban and Row Views you can quickly access the Checklist tab from the Task Card by clicking on the Checklist icon. 
  3. Click Insert Template Checklist in the bottom bar. click_to_search_template_checklists.png
  4. In the search box that appears, type the name of the template checklist group that you want to clone and add to the task.  

    Tip: Every template checklist group search result will display the checklist's location for your reference. You will see the following below each template checklist group (the path of where the checklist is located in templates): task name • task group name (if applicable) • project name.
  5. Click on a search result to select it and insert the template checklist. 

The selected checklist group will be cloned and inserted into the task.


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