April 2023
New Feature Alert! These features are part of the April 2023 Release and will be available in Sandboxes and on the AppExchange on April 26. Existing customers' production instances will be automatically upgraded to the version of TaskRay containing these features on May 10.
- A new feature that allows you track information about Resources and leverage data when building project teams, adding team members, removing team members, and reassigning work.
- Fields added to TaskRay Global Custom Settings
- Default Role
- New Objects
- TaskRay Role
- TaskRay Resource
- TaskRay Resource Settings
- New Fields on TaskRay Resource Settings
- Start Date
- End Date
- Resource
- Role
- Updated (re-labeled) the TaskRay Team object to TaskRay Team Assignment
- New Fields on TaskRay Team Assignment
- Role
- Resource
- Fields added to TaskRay Global Custom Settings
- A new user interface that streamlines the management of Roles and Resources for the Dynamic Team Builder
- New Visualforce page for Configuration Hub
- TaskRay - Resource Manager Access permission set
- Configuration Hub: Resource Management: Manage Resources custom permission
- Configuration Hub: Resource Management: Manage Roles custom permission
- Retired Classic Filtering
- Retired Legacy Modals
- Retired Legacy Record Types
- New supplemental permission set for April 2023 release features
- Removed the Team tab from the Project Modal on the Public Dashboard
- Removed the Enhanced Filtering Assistant from Tools & Settings
- Removed the ability to follow chatter from the Team tab
- Updated (re-labeled) the Flex Filter object to TaskRay Flex Filter
- Updated (re-labeled) the Flex Filter Set object to TaskRay Flex Filter Set
- Updated (re-labeled) the Flex Filter Share object to TaskRay Flex Filter Share
- New objects for future enhancements
- TaskRay Business Schedules
- TaskRay Holidays
- TaskRay Business Schedule with Holidays
- New fields on TaskRay Business Schedules
- Monday
- Tuesday
- Wednesday
- Thursday
- Friday
- Saturday
- Sunday
- New fields on TaskRay Holidays
- Date
- New fields on TaskRay Business Schedules with Holidays
- Holiday
- Business Schedule
- New Fields on TaskRay Resource Settings
- Business Schedule
- Modernized state management throughout the application
- Updated Apex classes
- Resolved an issue with Enhanced Cloning where scheduling by milestone dates sometimes errored out
- Resolved an issue where a project could not be cloned if a public site guest user was on the project team
- Resolved an issue where users received an error loading TaskRay in Communities
- Removed the Tools & Settings menu option for Legacy Record Types
- Updated the Template Builder to use Roles & Resources for assigning work