Manage Resources

This feature is available to the following product editions
  • Standard
  • Premium

Resources are one of the core mechanisms for managing teams in TaskRay. With resources, organizations have an overview of all TaskRay team members and their roles, thus ensuring accurate assignments at the time of delegating work. 

Think of every TaskRay user as a resource. As such, this should be one of the first places to review when setting up new TaskRay users to ensure that the resources accurately reflect all applicable user details, such as their roles.



Note: The Resources tab in the Configuration Hub is accessible by users who have either the TaskRay - Admin Access or TaskRay - Resource Manager Access permission set assigned. 


Add New Resources

Follow the steps below to quickly add and configure resources.

Note: This process assumes Roles have already been configured in your org. If roles have not been created, please setup the necessary roles first, then return to configure your resources.


  1. Navigate to the Configuration Hub and select the Resources tab
  2. Click on the + Add New Resources button in the top right corner. 
  3. This will open a Setup Resources modal. Using the checkboxes, select TaskRay users that you want to configure resources for. Click Next. This will create resources for the selected users in the table. 
    Note: If you do not see the users you are looking for, resources may have already been auto-created for those users. To find these resources, close the modal and search of "Unassigned" in the table to identify the resources whose role has yet to be assigned. 
  4. From the table, click on the Name of a resource to open the resource's details. resource-flyout-new.jpg
  5. Select a Role for the resource. By default, the resource will use the role defaults for their business schedule, daily hours, billable and non-billable targets.
    Note: For orgs on Premium edition, the resource will also inherit attributes from the role.
  6. [Optional] If needed, the role defaults can be can be overridden by unchecking the Use Role Defaults checkbox. Once unchecked, you have the option to modify the following:
    • Business Schedule: Defines the working days for the resource
    • Daily Hours
      • Total: Defines the number of hours the resource works per working day
      • Billable Target: Defines the portion of the daily hours that should be billable work
      • Non-Billable Target: Defines the portion of daily hours that should be non-billable work 
        Tip! Best practice is to utilize the role defaults whenever possible to ensure consistency amongst team members with a shared profile. 
  7. [Premium edition] Under Resource Attributes, assign attributes that represent the resources unique skill sets and qualities.
  8. Click Save. 
  9. Repeat steps 4-8 for any other additional resources.
    Note: You can also setup Resources in bulk by using the checkboxes to select multiple resources at a time. Learn more about managing resources in bulk below. 


Manage Resources

After initial creation, Resources can be further updated and customized in Configuration Hub, such as to adjust their assigned roles, attributes, or business schedules and billable targets.

Depending on the scenario, you may need to manage a single or many resources at a time.


Manage a Single Resource

  1. If you are not already on the page, navigate to the Configuration Hub and select the Resources tab.
  2. Click on the Name of the resource you'd like to edit to open it.
  3. Make your updates to the resource.
  4. Click Save.

Manage Resources in Bulk


  1. If you are not already on the page, navigate to the Configuration Hub and select the Resources tab.
  2. Use the checkboxes to select the Resources you'd like to edit.
    Note: The details panel will only show details that are shared amongst all selected resources.
  3. Make your updates. Any change made will apply to all selected resources.
  4. Click Save. 


Deactivate Resources

If a user leaves your organization, you can deactivate their corresponding Resource. To deactivate a resource:

  1. If you are not already on the page, navigate to the Configuration Hub and select the Resources tab.
  2. Click on the Name of the resource you'd like to deactivate.
  3. In the panel, click the three dot menu in the upper, right corner.
  4. Click Deactivate.
  5. Confirm the deactivation. 

Once deactivated, the resource will no longer appear in the table on the page. To see a list of inactive resources, close the resource detail panel and use the Active | Inactive toggle at the top right of the Resource table to switch your view between active and inactive resources.


Automatically Created Resources

In the event that a user is assigned work or added to a project before a resource has been configured for them, TaskRay will automatically create a placeholder resource entry for that user. Automatically created resources will also appear in the Resources tab of the Configuration Hub. In order to complete setup for such resources, search for "Unassigned" in the Resource table to find resources that have not been assigned a role yet.


Additional Details

Due to the complex nature of behind the scenes automations for Resources and related objects, we do not support bulk Resource CUD (Create, Update, Delete) operations through Salesforce features e.g. Data Loader. 

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