Manage Roles

This feature is available on the following TaskRay Product Editions

  • Standard
  • Premium

TaskRay allows defining Roles and assigning those roles to resources. Roles denote a resource's primary job function and/or the department that they are part of. They also serve as a profile for a resource's base configuration. Roles can be helpful when it comes to determining assignments for projects and tasks, as they help ensure that the work is assigned according to users' areas of expertise. 

Keep in mind, when configuring roles for TaskRay, you only need to set up the ones that will apply to managing work in TaskRay. In other words, you do not need to create every possible role that exists in your organization; only the ones that will correlate with TaskRay resources and project/task assignments. Once the necessary roles are defined, they can be assigned to resources.


Roles are managed within the Roles tab of the Configuration Hub

Note: The Roles tab in the Configuration Hub is accessible by users who have either the TaskRay - Admin Access or TaskRay - Resource Manager Access permission set assigned. 


Create Roles

Follow the steps below to add new roles:

  1. Navigate to the Configuration Hub and select the Roles tab
  2. Click on the + Add New Role button in the top right corner.
  3. Enter a Name for the role. 
  4. Define the Role Defaults for resource availability. The Role Defaults serve as the default settings for a resource with this role. The Role Defaults consist of:
    • Business Schedule: Defines the working days for resources
    • Daily Hours
      • Total: Defines the number of hours the resource works per working day
      • Billable Target: Defines the portion of the daily hours that should be billable work
      • Non-Billable Target: Defines the portion of daily hours that should be non-billable work 
        Tip! Best practice is to utilize the role defaults whenever possible to ensure consistency amongst team members with a shared profile.
  5. [Premium edition] Assign Attributes to the Role.
    Note: Attributes assigned to a role will flow down to all resources with the role applied. 
  6. Click Save.

Once the new role is created, it becomes available to assign it to resources. To do this, follow the steps to configure resources in the following article: Manage Resources.

Note: Roles are tied to Salesforce Queues behind the scenes. When a Role is created, the Queues will be auto-matched to them based on name. If Queues do not exist that correspond to the Role names, a user with permission to create them (usually a System Administrator) should create those first. 


Manage Roles

After initial creation, Roles can be updated and maintained by returning the Configuration Hub. The settings and configurations on a Role can pass through to the associated Resources as a base configuration. This provides an easy way maintain Resources with a shared profile. To edit a Role:

  1. If you are not already on the page, navigate to the Configuration Hub and select the Roles tab.
  2. Click on the Name of the Role you'd like to edit to open it.
  3. Make your updates.
    • Changes to the Role Defaults (see above) will flow through to any Resource assigned to the role and has "Use Role Defaults" checked. 
    • [Premium edition] Changes to the Attributes will flow through to all Resources with the role. 
  4. Click Save.


About Default Roles

TaskRay allows one role to be set as the default role. The default role is used when TaskRay automatically creates a Resource. When a Resource is automatically created, it will be assigned the default role. 

On install, TaskRay sets the default role to Unassigned. This allows users to finish setting up the automatically created resources at a later point in time where the correct role can be assigned to each resource. You can learn more about this process in our Managing Resources article. 

Best practice is to leave the default role as Unassigned for ease of resource setup later on. We only recommend changing the default role if and only if there is one role shared by all TaskRay users. 


Additional Details

Due to the complex nature of behind the scenes automations for Roles and related objects, we do not support bulk Role CUD (Create, Update, Delete) operations through Salesforce features e.g. Data Loader. 

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