Track Custom Fields on Baselines

Note: This feature is available to the following product editions
  • Standard
  • Premium

Out of the box, when setting a baseline on a project, TaskRay will keep track of most standard fields from Projects, Task Groups, and Tasks. However, if you have added some custom fields to your Projects, Task Groups, or Tasks that you want to keep track of in baselines, you can do so by following the instructions below.


Standard Fields On Baselines

Below is a list of fields that are tracked on baselines out of the box.

Project Baseline

  • Project (this is the actual project on which the baseline is set)
  • Start
  • End
  • Progress
  • Estimated Time (hrs)
  • Actual Time (hrs)
  • Archived


Task Group Baseline

  • Task Group (this is the actual task group that is associated with the baseline)
  • Project Baseline (this is the parent project baseline associated with the task group baseline)
  • End
  • Start
  • Progress
  • Archived


Task Baseline

  • Task (this is the actual task that is associated with the baseline)
  • Project Baseline (this is the parent project baseline associated with the task baseline)
  • Task Group Baseline (this is the parent task group baseline associated with the task baseline)
  • Start
  • End
  • Business Duration
  • List
  • Milestone
  • Blocked
  • Completed
  • Estimated Time (hrs)
  • Actual Time (hrs)
  • Archived


Custom Fields On Baselines [Admin]

The process of adding custom fields to be tracked on baselines consists of simply adding the necessary fields to the baseline objects. One thing to keep in mind, is that in order for the baseline to record the necessary field value, the field name (API name) on the baseline object must be identical to the field name on the originating object.


Identify the Custom Fields For Tracking on Baselines 

First, you will need to identify the custom fields that you want to track on the Project, Task Group, and/or Task. For example, if you have a custom Department field on the TaskRay Project object, you will need to note that field's type and unique API name, which would be something like Department__c. Once you have that, you will need to create a Department field of the same type with the same API name (Department__c) on the TaskRay Baseline object. 

Summary: TaskRay Project fields map to TaskRay Baseline fields.


Similarly, if you have a custom field on the TaskRay Task Group object that you want to track, you would need to note that field's type and unique API name and create a field on the TaskRay Task Group object with the same type and API name.

Summary: TaskRay Task Group fields map to TaskRay Task Group Baseline fields.


Finally, if you have a custom field on the TaskRay Task object that you want to track, you would need to note that field's type and unique API name and create a field on the TaskRay Task object with the same type and API name.

Summary: TaskRay Task fields map to TaskRay Task Baseline fields.


Note: Picklist fields are an exception for field mapping on the baseline objects. It is recommended that you create text fields (but still with the same API name as on the originating object) on the baseline objects if you want to track custom picklist fields.


Add Custom Field(s) to Baseline Object(s) 

  1. From Setup, navigate to:
    • Lightning: Objects and Fields | Object Manager
    • Classic: Create | Objects
  1. Open the necessary baseline object (TaskRay BaselineTaskRay Task Group Baseline, or TaskRay Task Baseline).
  2. Under Fields and Relationships, click on New.
  3. Follow the steps to create a new field. Remember to make the field have the same API name as the field on the corresponding TaskRay object.

That's it! Now, every time you set a new baseline on a project, the designated custom fields will be recorded as well.

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