[March 2019] Release Notes (Major)

March 2019 1.757-1.772

My Work View

  • Introducing a new view in TaskRay: My Work. This view will allow users to focus on the work that is assigned to them, as well as provide a centralized place to view notifications important to the user's individual work within the app.
  • Added a new tab to the TaskRay toolbar to access the new view. The tab is My Work.
  • The My Work View is set to display tasks and checklist items that are assigned to the user and are not completed. This also includes any open checklist items that are assigned to the user on other users' tasks.
  • Applied styling to tasks in this view to display task name, task group name, project name, due date, status, as well as shortcuts to Chatter, files, and time tracking on the task.
  • Applied styling to checklist items in this view to display the text of the checklist items, as well as checkboxes to complete them. Checklists appear below associated tasks in this view.
  • Applied special styling to the tasks that are owned by other users but contain checklist items that are assigned to the user viewing the My Work View. These tasks will appear greyed out and display a label for clarification.
  • Created and placed a status box on every task row. The box will display the task status List value, as well as provide three action options on hover: block/unblock task, change task status list, and complete the task.
  • Provided ways to complete tasks and checklist items in My Work. For tasks, the action to complete will appear when hovering over the status boxes on the task rows. For checklists, the action to complete them will be the checkboxes next to the checklist items.
  • Applied an animation for visual reference that appears whenever a task or checklist item is completed.
  • Built a Change Task Status List menu that can be accessed from the status boxes on the tasks in My Work. This menu allows moving the tasks between different statuses and completing them as they are being worked on.
  • Created a header for the page that displays a welcome message for the logged in user, the menu to select the criteria for grouping tasks in the view, and the options to expand/collapse the groupings with tasks and checklists.
  • Added a menu that allows grouping tasks in this view. The menu will provide three grouping options by default: End (groups tasks by their end/due dates), Start, and Priority.
  • Added a new field set to the TaskRay Task object for controlling the options for grouping tasks in My Work: Task Groupings (My Work View).
  • Tasks in My Work will be organized into sections according to the selected option. Each grouping header will display the name of the grouping and allow users to show or hide the tasks within it. For date groupings, the headers will display timeframes (e.g. "overdue", "today", "this week", etc.).
  • Defined which sections will appear expanded and/or collapsed by default for different grouping options.
  • Grouping headers will persist at the top of the view when scrolling for visual guidance in terms of which tasks are visible on the board at a specific point in time.
  • Built two actions to quickly expand and collapse all groupings and tasks in My Work.
  • Added the diamond icon to milestone tasks in My Work. Additionally, updated the colors that are used for the milestone diamond icons in all other views for consistency.
  • Applied a visual background color change that occurs whenever the cursor is placed over a task or a checklist item in My Work.
  • Added a message that appears in My Work View if there are no tasks assigned to the user or if the user has no tasks due today.
  • Made the action of double-clicking on a task row open up the Task Details pane.

Right Sidebar

  • Defined the tabs that can be accessed in My Work: Feed, Files, and Time (if enabled). Additionally, in My Work, removed the team member icons that usually appear in the right sidebar, as well as refined the visible icons in the TaskRay toolbar.
  • Added scoped tabs to the Feed right sidebar tab to organize notifications in My Work View: Notifications and Chatter. The Notifications scoped tab is only available in My Work View.

In-App Notifications

  • Created and added new "behind the scenes" objects for Notifications: TaskRay Project Inbox NotificationTaskRay Project NotificationTaskRay Task Inbox Notification, and TaskRay Task Notification. These objects are used for the notifications that appear in the right sidebar in My Work.
  • Included four notification types that will show up in the new Notifications tab in the right sidebar in My Work: Task Assignment, Added to Team, Overdue Task, and Predecessor Tasks Complete.
  • Notifications in the right sidebar will appear with a header (red for Overdue Task notifications) and display the task or project name, task status, task end date, and a shortcut to access Chatter.
  • Notifications in the sidebar will be grouped by date, with the most recent ones appearing at the top. Each grouping header will display the date and allow users to show or hide the notifications within the grouping.
  • Grouping headers will persist at the top of the sidebar when scrolling for visual guidance in terms of which notifications are visible at a specific point in time.
  • Defined which sections will appear expanded and/or collapsed by default when a user opens the Notifications tab.
  • Added a filter to show or hide certain types of notifications. The filter menu will appear at the top of the Notifications tab in the right sidebar.
  • Adjusted the criteria for New Task Assignment and Added to Team email notifications to not be sent on template projects and tasks.
  • Included a message that will display if the user has no notifications to view.
  • Provided a way to create custom Project and/or Task in-app notifications.

Internal Only Tasks

  • Added a new checkbox field to the TaskRay Task object to designate records as Internal Only.
  • Established sharing functionality so that Internal Only Tasks are not shared with Project Team Members that use one of the following Salesforce external user licenses:
    • Customer Community Plus
    • Partner Community
    • Lightning External Apps Plus
  • Established sharing functionality so that Internal Only Tasks are not visible when sharing a TaskRay Project via external sharing link.
  • Created new custom setting in TaskRay Global Settings for 'Mark tasks as internal only by default' to control the default value of the Internal Only checkbox field.
  • Added a new Account lookup field to the TaskRay Task object for Account (Community Access). Used in conjunction with the Internal Only checkbox to restrict external user access to Tasks using Sharing Sets.

Print Options

  • Added a Customizable Header & Footer setting when exporting a printable Plan View of a TaskRay Project to allow for customization of the following:
    • Header Image
    • Document Title
    • Header Notes
    • Footer Notes
  • Added an option to Hide Plan View Timeline when exporting a printable Plan View of a TaskRay Project.
  • Included a setting to Show Internal Only Tasks when exporting a printable Plan View of a TaskRay Project.

Task Status List Colors Settings

  • Provided a new way to set task List color values using Custom Metadata Types, replacing the current options in the TaskRay Global Settings.
  • Added a section to Tools and Settings to allow setting the colors for task status lists.
  • Created and added a new "behind the scenes" object for handling Metadata API changes, as well as for the new way to configure list colors: TaskRay Metadata Cache.
  • Removed the Sync Metadata Cache button from Tools and Settings under the Record Types tab.
  • Built the automated migration process to ensure that all orgs that have had TaskRay installed previous to the update transition onto the new color settings accurately.
  • Deprecated all of the old List setting fields in the TaskRay Global Settings.


  • Changed the styling of the TaskRay toolbar and the right sidebar tabs to match the new branding guidelines.
  • Upgraded to the latest version of SLDS within the app and on the TaskRay Lightning Components.
  • Updated the status boxes on the task cards in Row View to incorporate new styling and access to the Change Task Status List menu.
  • Renamed the existing field set for controlling the grouping and sorting options for tasks in Kanban and Row Views to Task Groupings (Kanban and Row Views).
  • Updated the groupings for Row View when it is grouped by End or Start to include a section for Tomorrow.
  • Deprecated the Use default sharing reason (Communities) custom setting in TaskRay Global Settings.
  • Fixed the issues around completing checklist items and deleting tasks where it would appear that the action did not occur in the first place.
  • Updated the styling for overdue tasks in Kanban and Row Views to make the calendar icons turn red on the tasks if they become overdue.
  • Updated the board filter criteria for the standard My Tasks board filter to exclude any projects that do not contain tasks assigned to the user.
  • Added the Log Time publisher action to the default TaskRay Task layout.
  • Exposed the Archived Tasks and Archived Projects standard filters to be available for the Power Filter and for board filter setup.
  • Updated the process for stitching tasks into live projects. Stitched in tasks will now attempt to establish dependencies with other tasks as defined in the original template (if applicable).
  • Updated the TaskRay Task field set to display the following two fields in the Task Details window: Account and Opportunity.

TaskRay Lightning Components

  • Updated the TaskRay Projects Lightning Component to have a contextual mode. When placed on a record, this component will now default to show a single project if there is a lookup relationship in place between the record and a TaskRay Project.
  • Fixed the issue where the milestones were showing up in the wrong order in the TaskRay Projects and TaskRay Status components.
  • Updated the styling of the TaskRay Stitcher Lightning Component to make it more consistent with the Stitcher window in the main TaskRay app.

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