Hide Tasks Until

This feature is available to the following product editions
  • Starter
  • Standard
  • Premium

TaskRay allows hiding tasks from all views up until a certain point (defined using the number of days before the task's start date). This functionality can be used to keep the boards organized and allow users to focus on the tasks that are ready for work.


Hide Tasks Until

You can hide tasks from the TaskRay interface until they are ready to be worked on.

  1. Locate or create the task that you want to be hidden from the TaskRay views until a designated date and open its Task Details.
  2. Double click on the Hide Until (Days Before Start) field. Alternatively, click Edit to enter editing mode.
  3. Enter the number of days (relative to the task's Start Date) when you would want the task to become visible in TaskRay.
    Example: If you want the task to be hidden from TaskRay views until a day before the task's start date, enter 1 into the field.
  4. Click Save or Save & Close.


Note: The tasks will still be searchable and reportable in Salesforce when they are in the hidden state.


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