April 2020 - 1.848.1 (Released 2020-04-29)
- Removed an Apex reference in a deprecated Visualforce Page (trTagMigration) to facilitate the complete deprecation of the page in a future version.
April 2020 - 1.848 (Released 2020-04-14)
- Fixed an issue where default values of custom picklist fields were not predefined when using Enhanced Modal Layouts.
- Resolved an error that presented when attempting to log billable time from the My Work Lightning Component.
- Fixed an issue where editing a picklist as a column in Plan View initially displayed the default value instead of the current value.
- Resolved an issue when bulk cloning Projects with Enhanced Cloning that presented as a null pointer exception error.
- Resolved an error that occurred when attempting to execute multiple operations to stitch Task Groups into a Project in the same transaction that clones the destination Project when using Enhanced Cloning.
April 2020 - 1.847 (Released 2020-04-06)
- Fixed an issue that caused date pickers in Kanban, Row, and My Work views to display incorrect days of the week for users in certain APAC time zones.
- Resolved a problem where spaces were not accepted in rich text fields when using Enhanced Modal Layouts in Firefox.
- Fixed an issue where number fields did not support entering a value of 0 when using Enhanced Modal Layouts.
- Resolved an issue where February 2021 was incorrectly displayed as March 2021 in date pickers in Kanban, Row, and My Work views.
- Resolved an issue where Checklist Items were not included when Tasks in active projects (not templates) were cloned.
- Fixed an issue where the Type picklist on the TaskRay Time object could not be set to null in the TaskRay UI.
- Increased support for establishing dependencies across Task Groups when template Task Groups are stitched into active projects.
- Resolved an issue with Chrome SameSite cookie updates and the Salesforce Critical Update to “Remove Instance Names From URLs for Visualforce, Experience Builder, Site.com Studio, and Content Files”. This issue prevented TaskRay users from setting cookies in iframes in Lightning Experience, causing them to be unable to expand/collapse groupings in the Kanban and My Work views.
March 2020 - 1.846 (Released 2020-03-19)
- Resolved an issue where generating an External Sharing Link for a parent Project also generated External Sharing Links for all sub-Projects.
March 2020 - 1.845 (Released 2020-03-15)
- Resolved a problem with the TaskRay Team Lightning Component that prevented searching for Users or Queues.
- Fixed an issue that caused the images of Task Owners to be formatted and aligned incorrectly when using Google Chrome.
- Fixed an issue that obscured the view of the calendar year in date pickers for users with compact display density settings when using Enhanced Modal Layouts.
- Added links to all parent records to the Files tab in the right sidebar.
- Fixed an issue when setting a blank date field as a column in Plan View that prevented the user from selecting anything other than the current month.
- Added better scrolling support in the Project Record Type selector.
- Modified behavior when cloning Checklist Groups that are owned by inactive Salesforce Users to reassign the Checklist Group to the current user.
- Fixed an issue that prevented automatically moving Task Groups to the top or bottom of Kanban and Row Views.
- Added support for searching Hebrew characters when using Enhanced Modal Layouts.
- Fixed an issue that prevented use of the Type picklist when adding Time to a Task from the following views:
- Kanban
- Row
- My Work
- My Work Lightning Component
- Resolved an issue that prevented the My Work Lightning Component from correctly reloading after completing Checklist Items.
February 2020 - 1.844 (Released 2020-02-27)
- Resolved an issue that caused date pickers in Kanban and Plan View to display the incorrect first day of the week for users with certain Salesforce User Locales and also prevented users from selecting dates in the current month in Kanban and Calendar View.
- Fixed a problem that prevented validation rule error messages from displaying when using legacy Field Set layouts.
- Resolved an error that occurred when using Enhanced Cloning in scenarios where Salesforce Organization-Wide Internal and External Default Sharing Settings are both set to 'Public Read/Write'.
- Suppressed the banner to notify customers who use Public Sites about the External Sharing and Guest User Access Update.
- Moved the External Sharing and Guest User Access Update utility to the Utilities tab in the Tools and Settings menu.
February 2020 - 1.842-1.843 (Released 2020-02-26)
- In order to ensure that dates in the current month are available for selection in the Kanban and Calendar Views, reverted a change applied in TaskRay 1.841 that caused date pickers in Kanban and Plan View to display the incorrect first day of the week for users with certain Salesforce User Locales.
- In order to ensure that Task Groups and groupings in My Work can be expanded and collapsed, reverted a change applied in TaskRay 1.841 that modified how TaskRay caches local data to provide better support for high-volume scenarios, such as when many tabs are minimized or records are collapsed.
February 2020 - 1.840-1.841 (Released 2020-02-25)
- Resolved an issue that prevented the new Available for External Sharing checkbox from being updated on existing Tasks and Checklists automatically in the TaskRay post-installation script.
- Fixed a problem that caused date pickers in Kanban and Plan View to display the incorrect first day of the week for users with certain Salesforce User Locales.
- Adjusted the formatting of scrollbars on the Checklist tab.
- Improved how TaskRay caches local data to provide better support for high-volume scenarios, such as when many tabs are minimized.
February 2020 - 1.839 (Released 2020-02-18)
- Fixed an issue that affected certain users' access to TaskRay Lightning Components by modifying the following TaskRay Permission Sets to include access to all TaskRay Custom Settings and Custom Metadata Types:
- TaskRay - Standard Access
- TaskRay - Read Only Access
- TaskRay External - Standard Access
- TaskRay External - Read Only Access
- TaskRay Supplemental Permissions February 2020
February 2020 - 1.838 (Released 2020-02-13)
- Fixed an issue when using Enhanced Cloning where the Template Source lookup when stitching Task Groups and Tasks was failing to populate.
- Fixed an issue that prevented users from stitching Projects when using Enhanced Cloning.
- Resolved a problem where Task modals were failing to open from the My Work Lightning Component if the Task's Project was not selected in one of the All Work Views.
- Fixed an issue when using Enhanced Cloning where the Predecessor Tasks Incomplete checkbox was not being reset to the correct value when stitching Task Groups.
- Resolved an issue that prevented users from dragging and dropping Tasks across Task Groups in Row View.
- Fixed a problem where HTML encoding was incorrectly included in Checklist Item Names.
- Resolved an issue that prevented users from immediately creating new Tasks or immediately adding existing Tasks after creating a new Task Group.
- Fixed an issue in Enhanced Cloning when stitching template Task Groups that included Tasks with Dependencies that span multiple template Task Groups.
- Improved the way TaskRay caches and synchronizes data using the Lightning Data Service.
- All date pickers in TaskRay now rely on the Salesforce User's Language to translate prefixes of month names and days of the week and rely on the Salesforce User's Locale to determine which day to display as the first in a calendar week.