Using Board Filters

This feature is available to the following product editions
  • Starter
  • Standard
  • Premium

Board filters give TaskRay users the ability to select a predefined broad dataset, which they can choose to work with as-is, or further refine using flex filters. Board filters come in two flavors: 

  • Standard board filters are available out-of-the-box, and serve the most common board filter use cases, like 'In-Flight Projects'.
  • Custom board filters are designed to handle more unique datasets, like 'Enterprise Onboarding Projects', and are set up by a user that has access to the Admin functionality. 


Using Board Filters

Guided Walkthrough


Selecting Board Filters

You will find your board filters on the left side of your screen. 


Using the drop down, you will be able to select from a list of filters. If you want more information on what the specific filter does click on the info icon above the picklist. The information that shows is dynamic and changes based on the board filter your select. Once you select the board filter you want to organize your data with, you will see a few things happen:

  • The data in the work view area will change depending on the specifications of the filter. 


  • The options under the Projects section will dynamically change and display the projects that meet the parameters of the filter chosen. 




Refining the Data

Under Projects, you can Select or Deselect the projects you want displayed in the Work view section. You can also drag and drop the projects pane up and down depending on how and when you want to see that area. 



To further refine the data displayed from the Board Filter chosen, you can use  the Flex Filters. For more information check out the Using Flex Filters article.

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