Create and Assign Project Filters

This feature is available to the following product editions
  • Starter
  • Standard
  • Premium

Project Filters represent unique project datasets. These filters stand alone meaning filter Admins should make them as broad or as granular as the use case requires. End users can access the Project Filters assigned to them in Portfolio View and the TaskRay Projects lightning component. There are 2 types of Project Filters:

  • Standard Project filters: available out-of-the-box, and serve the most common board filter use cases, like 'My Projects'.
  • Custom Project filters: designed to handle more unique datasets and are set up by the TaskRay Admin or user that has the 'Enhanced Filtering Admin' custom permission. 
The TaskRay - Admin Access permission set, or the trEnhancedFiltering custom permission are required to perform the operations described in this article. 


Standard Project Filters

TaskRay comes with several standard Project filters, intended to capture the most common data users need to see.

  • All Projects: all projects that the running user has access to
  • Archived: projects designated as archived
  • Completed Projects: projects marked as complete but not archived
  • Favorite Projects: the running user's starred projects 
  • In-Flight Projects: active projects that are not marked completed, on-hold, or archived 
  • My Projects: projects where the running user has been assigned to the project team
  • On-Hold Projects: projects designated as on-hold
  • Projects I Own: projects that are owned by the running user
  • *Template Projects: projects designated as templates for cloning or stitching

*Only available to customers who do not have Template Versioning enabled


Custom Project Filters

In Tools & Settings , under Filter Management you will see the Project Filters option. Click on that and you will now see the project filter configuration area. Here you can create and assign project filters. 


Setting up Project Filters

To set up a new board filter, click on +New Project Filter. That will open the Project filter setup screen. You will see the following fields to complete:

  • Project Filter Name:
    • Enter the name of the custom project filter. This is a required field.
  • Project Filter Description:
    • Enter a description. This is optional and will be visible to any users assigned this project filter via the info icon above the filter drop down.
  • Select Project Filter Scope:
    • Using the drop down you will select which Standard Filter Scope you will use as a base to which you can add criteria filters and logic. 


  • Add Filters:
    • This will allow you to add filter details like Filter By, Operator and Value


  • Add Filter Logic
    • Allows you to add logic. It will default to "and" but you can use "or" as well. 


Assigning Project Filters

The Org-Wide Default assignee is standard in all orgs and cannot be removed. To add new assignee, click on the drop down under Add New Assignee. You will have a list of assignee types as options from which to choose. 



Once you select the Assignee type you will use the Search Salesforce field to search the group, user role or individual to add as an Assignee. Once you have the assignee added you will be able to assign them the desired project filter. 

Assignees can be assigned as many project filters as necessary to meet their needs. 

Note: Public Groups configured to include any of the default Salesforce Groups (e.g. All Internal Users, All Customer Portal Users) or Roles are not supported for Flex Filter Sharing. Alternatively, applicable users can be added directly to Public Groups. In other words, users must have an individual assignment in a Public Group for Flex Filter Assignment to apply.


Assignee Hierarchy

It is important to understand that there is a hierarchy when it comes to assignees. If project filters are assigned to the org-wide default (the highest, most broad group), all other assignees added to the table will 'inherit' those project filters. In other words, to remove those filters from assignees' view, they must be removed from the highest level group. This applies to any assignee group that is 'higher' than the row being added. 

For example, if Jane Smith is part of the 'Director of CS roles and subordinates' assignee but also has been added as an individual user, the individual user row will inherit all project filters that have been assigned to the 'Director of CS roles and subordinates'. They cannot be removed from Jane's view without removing them from the 'Director of CS roles and subordinates'. 

The hierarchy of assignee types is:

  • Org-Wide Default
  • Public Groups
  • User Roles and Subordinates
  • User Roles
  • Individual Users
Note: All assignees must have 1 direct (specifically assigned to them, not inherited via a higher assignee group) project filter assignment. By default, 'My Projects' is directly assigned to any new assignee added to the table. 


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