This article covers legacy Flux Capacity functionality.
- If you are in the beginning stages of setting up resource management functionality in your org, or if you are already using TaskRay Resource Management features, refer to the new Resource Management documentation.
- If your organization currently uses Flux Capacity for resource management, use this article if you need to get information on Flux functionality.
This article helps Flux users understand how TaskRay Tasks drive functionality in Flux Capacity.
When a TaskRay Task is created (either manually or via a Project Template clone) or edited, the following actions occur in Flux Capacity.
Task Owner & Flux Resource
Flux Capacity will attempt to match the Task Owner to an active Flux Resource based on the Flux Resource Owner. This matching drives reporting for the Flux Resource.
In the example below, you can see the match is made to the Flux Resource User (Stewie Bishop). Based on this match, the “Prepare for kickoff call” Task will now contribute to Stewie Bishop’s capacity reporting.
In another example (below), you can see the match is made to the Flux Resource Queue (Technical Architect). Based on this match, the “Import client file” Task will now contribute to the Technical Architect Flux Team capacity reporting.
Task Owner & Flux Team
Once the match is made to the Flux Resource, as described above, the Flux Team is also set on the TaskRay Task. The Flux Team is set based on the Flux Resource’s Primary Team, indicated by the ribbon badge (shown below).
The Task’s Flux Team is set at the time of Task creation ONLY and is a permanent attribute of the Task (ie. reassigning the Task to a member of a different Flux Team will not change the Task’s Flux Team).
The Task’s Flux Team is used for the following:
- As a reporting tool to indicate the original Flux Team assigned to Tasks (ex. Show all Tasks originally assigned to the Technical Architect team).
- When a Task is assigned via the Flux Capacity Assignment component*, all active members of the Task’s Flux Team are listed (show below).
*If the Flux Capacity Assignment component is missing from the page, please ask your Salesforce System Administrator to add it to the TaskRay Task Lighting Record Page
Task Dates and Estimated Hours & Flux Schedules
Task Dates and Estimated Hours drive the creation and calculation of Flux Schedules, which are the cornerstone of Flux Capacity reporting.
Tasks drive Flux Schedules in the following ways:
- A Flux Schedule is established for each day in the Task’s date range.
For example, this Task which has a Start Date of 10/21 and Estimated End Date of 10/23 has a Flux Schedule established for 10/21, 10/22, and 10/23 (as shown below).
- The Task’s Estimated Time (hrs) are evenly distributed across its Flux Schedules.
For example, the above Task has its 4.00 Estimated Time (hrs) evenly distributed across its three Flux Schedules, each getting 1.33 Flux Schedule Hours, with a slight remainder rolling over to the last date in the schedule.
Flux Schedules & Business Days and Time Away
- When Flux Schedules land on a date that is a non-business day for the Flux Resource (as configured on the Flux Resource screen), the Flux Schedule Hours for that date are set to 0.
- When Flux Schedules land on a date where the Flux Resource has an approved Flux Time Away record, the Flux Schedule Hours for that date are set to:
- 0 if the Time Away Increment is “Full Day”.
- 50% of a full day distribution if the Time Away Increment is “Half Day”.
- The Task’s Estimated Time (hrs) are then evenly distributed across its remaining Flux Schedules.
For example, this Task which has a Start Date of 11/5 and Estimated End Date of 11/13 has a Flux Schedule established for every day in that range (as shown below).
However, you will notice that 11/9, 11/10, and 11/11 have Flux Schedule Hours set to 0 (highlighted). >> Why is this?
11/9 is a Saturday, and 11/10 is a Sunday, both of which are non-business days for the assigned Flux Resource, Stewie Bishop (shown below).
11/11 is a Monday, which is a business day for the Flux Resource, but an approved, full day Flux Time Away record is present for that day (shown below).