Collaboration Connect: External User Guide

This feature is available on the following TaskRay Product Editions

  • Standard
  • Premium
This article is intended for external users who have been assigned tasks via the Collaboration Connect feature.

About Collaboration Connect

TaskRay Collaboration Connect presents a simple way for organizations to collaborate with external stakeholders. Internal teams can assign tasks to external collaborators via email, providing a way for external users to manage work and provide updates.


Assignments: Notifications and Actions

Whenever tasks are assigned to you, you will receive emails with details about the work to be done. 


There are two types of notifications that you could receive via email:

  • Initial Task Assignment: This email is sent at the time of when the task is assigned to you. If multiple tasks are assigned at the same time, the email will provide a summary of all assignments.
  • Reminder Email: If you have incomplete tasks, you will receive weekly reminder emails to complete the work. 
    Reminder Email Cadence
    By default, reminder emails are sent once a week (Mondays at 9 a.m. based on the org time zone). However, this might be different if the cadence was customized by an admin.


Manage Assigned Tasks

To complete a task, click on the Mark Complete button in the body of the Task Assignment or Reminder email.


This will open a link with some options for updating the assigned task. The default configurations will present a Complete checkbox and a Comment text box. That being said, you might see different options due to unique customizations that might be applied. Using these fields, make the necessary updates and mark the task as complete.


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