Project Privacy

This feature is available to the following product editions
  • Starter
  • Standard
  • Premium

TaskRay is installed with org-wide object defaults set to Read/Write. For project-level security, TaskRay can be locked down to a private sharing model. In private organizations, you have options to make new TaskRay Projects default to public or private. Any project will have the option to be switched to private or public using a control under the Team tab within the Project Details. Behind the scenes, adding team members to a private project will create a TaskRay sharing rule applied to both the project and its tasks.

Important! Project Security is an optional feature. It does add some complexity to the user experience and should only be considered for organizations requiring secure and private projects.


Keep in mind, as with most security permission structures in Salesforce, role hierarchy is observed. Therefore, anyone higher in the role hierarchy will inherit the permissions of their subordinates.

Tip: TaskRay also provides a way to mark certain tasks as Internal Only. Using this feature, you can hide specific tasks from view when sharing projects externally, such as with Communities, in the Plan View print/PDF export, as well as in the Public Dashboard. You can read more about the internal only tasks in this article.


Enable Project Security [Admin]

  1. From Setup, navigate to Security | Sharing Settings.
  2. Click Edit next to Organization-Wide Defaults.
  3. Change TaskRay Project to Private.
  4. Change TaskRay Task to Private.
  5. Leave all remaining “behind the scenes” TaskRay objects at Public Read/Write.

    Important! TaskRay does not support an org-wide default of Public Read Only.

  6. Click Save.

Keep in mind, as with most security permission structures in Salesforce, if you leave the Grant Access Using Hierarchies checkbox checked, role hierarchy will be observed. Therefore, anyone higher in the role hierarchy will inherit the permissions of their subordinates in TaskRay.


Set Privacy Defaults [Admin]

By default, once privacy is enabled, all projects will be set to public when they are created. The projects can then be manually changed to private in the Project Details. However, if you would like projects to be private by default, you can optionally reverse the new project setting to private. Here's how:

  1. From Setup, navigate to Custom Code | Custom Settings.
  2. Click Manage next to TaskRay Global Settings.
  3. Check the Lock Down Sharing on New Projects checkbox.
  4. Click Save.


Manage Project Privacy

System Administrators, Project Owners, and users higher in the role hierarchy will now be able to manage project permissions in the Team tab of the Project Details.


Make a Project Private

In organizations with org-wide security enabled, all TaskRay projects will continue to be created as Public by default, unless otherwise specified by the admin. Projects can be changed to private using these instructions:

  1. In the All Work tab, in the left sidebar, hover over the project that you want to turn private and click on the More Actions icon that appears.
  2. Select Edit Project. Alternatively, double click on the project. edit_project_more_actions__4___1_.png

    Tip: You can also access Project Details from the Performance tab Portfolio View. To do this, hover over the row for the project that you want to make private, click on the More Actions icon on the far right, and select Project Details.
  3. This will open the Project Details. Click on the Team tab.
  4. Click on the chevron in the Project Visibility header to expand the section.
  5. Set the default level of access for the project. To make the project private, select the No Access option in the following field(s):
    • All Internal Users sets the default level of access to the project for internal users.
    • All Customer Portal Users sets the default level of access to the project for external users (available only if Collaboration Hub or Collaboration Experience is used to manage work with external users).

  6. Once the project is set to private, it is possible to further refinne access for individual team members using the Access column.
  7. When you are done, close out of the Project Detail modal.
  8. Lock icon will appear next to the Project Name in the left sidebar denoting its private status.


Make a Project Public

  1. In the All Work tab, in the left sidebar, hover over the private project that you want to turn public and click on the More Actions icon that appears.
  2. Select Edit Project. Alternatively, double-click on the project. This will open the Project Details.
  3. Click on the Team tab.
  4. Click on the chevron in the Project Visibility header to expand the section.
  5. Set the default level of access for the project. To make the project public, select the Read/Write option in the following field(s):
    • All Internal Users sets the default level of access to the project for internal users.
    • All Customer Portal Users sets the default level of access to the project for external users (available only if Collaboration Hub or Collaboration Experience is used to manage work with external users).

  6. When you are done, close out of the Project Detail modal.


Manage Team Access

Adding and removing team members on private projects is the same operational procedure as found in the Team section of this guide. Behind the scenes, for organizations with sharing enabled, TaskRay will add sharing rules to both the project and all of its tasks, including future tasks added to the project, for each Team Member.

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