Internal Only Tasks

This feature is available on the following TaskRay Product Editions

  • Standard
  • Premium

TaskRay provides the option to designate tasks as Internal Only. Internal Only tasks can be useful when sharing projects and collaborating with external stakeholders using any of the External Collaboration TaskRay features. Additionally, if a project contains any Internal Only tasks, it will be possible to have those hidden when exporting the project from Plan View. This is useful when working with external project stakeholders like customers, partners, and vendors who may only need access to certain tasks in a project. 


Configuration: Internal Only Tasks [Admin]

Before you can mark certain tasks as Internal Only, there are a couple of setup steps that must take place in order for the functionality to work.


Turn On Project Privacy

First and foremost, it is important that project privacy is enabled in your org. This feature works in conjunction with standard Salesforce Sharing Rules to determine record access, which means that TaskRay Projects and TaskRay Tasks must be set to private in Salesforce Sharing Settings in order for the Internal Only tasks to not show up for external users. You can read more about configuring privacy settings in the Project Privacy article.

If a task is marked Internal Only, it removes sharing access to that record for Salesforce Community license types that use standard Salesforce sharing rules to determine record access.  This includes the following license types:

  • Customer Community Plus
  • Partner Community
  • Lightning External Apps Plus


Add the Internal Only Field to Task Details

By default, the Internal Only field is not included on the TaskRay Task Page Layout or Field Set. To add the field to the Task Details screen in TaskRay or the TaskRay Task page layout, follow these instructions:

  1. From Setup, navigate to:
    • Lightning: Objects and Fields | Object Manager
    • Classic: Create | Objects
  2. Select TaskRay Task.
  3. Navigate to the Page Layouts section and click Edit next to Project Task Layout.
  4. From the palette, drag the Internal Only field to a spot on the Task Detail page where you want it.
  5. Click Save.Add_to_Page_Layout_-_Final.png
  6. You will be taken back to the TaskRay Task object page. Navigate to the Field Sets section and select TaskRay Task Field Set.
  7. From the Available for the Field Set section, drag the Internal Only field to the In The Field Set section.
  8. Click Save.


[Optional] Set Default for Internal Only Tasks

Optionally, you can also set the default for creating new tasks. With this setting turned on, all new tasks will be marked as Internal Only.

  1. From Setup, navigate to
    • Lightning: Custom Code | Custom Settings.
    • Classic: Develop | Custom Settings.
  2. Click Manage next to TaskRay Global Settings.
  3. Check the Mark tasks as internal only by default checkbox.
  4. Click Save.


[Optional] Enable Validation Rule to Restrict the Ability to Make Tasks Internal Only

By default, any user with access to a project can mark tasks in that project Internal Only. However, TaskRay comes with an inactive Validation Rule that you can enable to restrict this to just project owners. If you would like to have this restriction for an added layer of security, follow the steps below.

  1. From Setup, navigate to:
    • Lightning: Objects and Fields | Object Manager.
    • Classic: Create | Objects.
  2. Click on TaskRay Task.
  3. Under Validation Rules, click on Internal_Only_Restricted_to_Proj_Owner.
  4. Click Edit.
  5. Check the Active checkbox.
  6. Save.

With the validation rule enabled, any time a user who is not the project owner tries to check the Internal Only checkbox the following error will appear:



[Advanced] Sharing Sets & Digital Experience Sites

The following applies to organizations that leverage Digital Experience Sites that incorporate sharing sets as part of the configuration.

For Salesforce Community license types that use Sharing Sets to determine record access, the Internal Only field works in conjunction with the Account (Community Access) lookup field on the TaskRay Task object to control access to specific tasks. This includes the following license types:

  • Customer Community
  • Lightning External Apps

When a task is marked Internal Only, the value of the Account (Community Access) lookup field is cleared. When the Account (Community Access) lookup is used to control access to TaskRay Task records in a Sharing Set, the Internal Only field can be used to toggle external access to a given task.



Set Tasks to Internal Only

After the setup steps are completed, users can begin to designate tasks as Internal Only. Internal Only tasks will not show up when collaborating with external stakeholders via any of TaskRay's External Collaboration features.

Generally speaking, all that needs to be done to designate a task as internal is to set the task's Internal Only checkbox to true.

Below are steps for one of the ways to do so:

  1. Locate a task that you would like to set to Internal Only (such as in Kanban or Plan View) and double-click on it to view its Task Details.
  2. This will open the Task Details pane. Double-click on the Internal Only field and select the checkbox. Alternatively, click Edit to enter editing mode and select the Internal Only checkbox.
  3. Click Save.
TaskRay Pro Tip
If templates are used to create projects, it is recommended to designate tasks as internal only directly on templates. Whenever the templates are cloned or used for stitching, the configuration will carry over and be automatically applied to tasks in the newly created projects.


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