External Collaboration

This feature is available on the following TaskRay Product Editions

  • Standard
  • Premium

External collaboration can play a critical role in managing work on projects. Certain use cases and projects require collaborating with external stakeholders, such as contractors, cross-functional teams, management, partners, or customers. TaskRay offers a suite of external collaboration features, each tailored for varying degrees and requirements for collaborating with external stakeholders on projects.


External Collaboration Options

This section outlines TaskRay's External Collaboration options and explains how customers can leverage various external collaboration features in their work management process. Depending on the specific use case, it is possible to leverage a combination of features listed below.

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Collaboration View

The Collaboration View is a way to grant read-only access to TaskRay project plans to external stakeholders. Whenever a project needs to be viewed externally, a read-only link specific to that project can be generated and shared with applicable stakeholders. Using this link, external stakeholders can have visibility into project updates in real time, allowing them to monitor how the project progresses toward completion.

This is a great option for use cases where external stakeholders need to stay informed on project updates, but do not need to actively manage work. 

This option does not require TaskRay licenses for individual external collaborators, but it does require one designated TaskRay license to set up the feature (included with the subscription).

Tip | Collaboration Connect
Collaboration View also pairs well with the Collaboration Connect functionality. With this approach, the Collaboration View is used to grant read-only access to projects and Collaboration Connect is used to assign specific tasks from those projects. When used together, the Collaboration View also presents a To Do interface that organizes all externally assigned tasks on the project.

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Collaboration Connect

Collaboration Connect allows assigning designated tasks to external users.  

This is a great option for use cases where external collaborators need to manage occasional tasks, but do not need full access to TaskRay or manage work on projects in the same way as internal users.

Collaboration Connect does not require TaskRay licenses for individual external collaborators, but it does require a designated TaskRay license to set up the feature (included with the subscription).

Tip | Collaboration View
Collaboration Connect also pairs well with the Collaboration View functionality. With this approach, the Collaboration View is used to grant read-only access to projects and Collaboration Connect is used to assign specific tasks from those projects. When used together, the Collaboration View also presents a To Do interface that organizes all externally assigned tasks on the project.

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Collaboration Hub

The Collaboration Hub is a more robust option for collaborating with external users as it allows granting them full access to TaskRay. This option allows setting up a secure, on-platform experience for external TaskRay users. More specifically, the Collaboration Hub is configured with the full TaskRay app and can be further customized using TaskRay Lightning Components. 

With this option, external collaborators can work alongside internal TaskRay team members. This is a great option for use cases where external users need to be assigned tasks and are closely involved in managing work on projects.

This option requires designated licenses for every external collaborator. TaskRay offers a specific license type for this purpose.

Additionally, this option incorporates added security. Since it leverages Salesforce Digital Experiences every external collaborator will need to be granted access to the site, making the data secure and protected.



Collaboration Experience

Collaboration Experience is the most robust option for collaborating with external stakeholders. This option allows adding TaskRay to any Digital Experience site and customizing the site by incorporating other applicable data from the Salesforce instance. With this option, TaskRay is essentially a portion of the larger Digital Experience site that may incorporate other functions and data that are not directly related to TaskRay.

With this option, external collaborators can work alongside internal team members on projects and it is possible to grant them full access to TaskRay functionality.

This option requires designated licenses for every TaskRay external collaborator. More specifically, every external collaborator will need a Salesforce Community license and a TaskRay Community license.

Additionally, this option incorporates added security. Since it leverages Salesforce Digital Experiences every external collaborator will need to be granted access to the site, making the data secure and protected.



Get In Touch With Us

Not sure which option is right for you or have questions?  Get in touch with us by reaching out to success@taskray.com.

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