This feature is available on the following TaskRay Product Editions:
- Standard
- Premium
This article is intended for external TaskRay users who have been granted access to manage work in TaskRay through the Collaboration Hub. Additionally, this article is summarized in a slide deck format, which can also be shared with external collaborators. To make a copy of the Google Slide Deck click here.
Welcome! If you've been given access to the Collaboration Hub and assigned work in TaskRay, then this article is for you! This article summarizes some of the main ways in which you will be managing assigned work and collaborating in TaskRay.
This article summarizes key functionality available for the Collaboration Hub. The Collaboration Hub is customizable, so it is possible that you might not see all of the functionality that is covered in this article due to unique configurations.
About the Collaboration Hub
The Collaboration Hub is a way for you to collaborate on assigned projects and manage work with other team members in TaskRay. As you are added to projects and assigned work, you will be notified through email. You will receive instructions for setting up access, as well as information regarding the work that you will be managing.
Within the Collaboration Hub, you will have access to certain functions for managing assigned work. In this article, we'll provide an overview of the main ways in which you will use the Collaboration Hub.
Review how to use to Collaboration Hub in this interactive guided tour:
Accessing the Collaboration Hub
When you are given access to the Collaboration Hub, you will receive an email to get started. In the email, you will find your username, as well as a link to set up your account. Opening the link in the email will take you to a page where you can set your password.
After you set your password, you will be able to log in to the Collaboration Hub using your email address and password.
Using the Collaboration Hub
Once within the Collaboration Hub, you will have the ability to manage assigned tasks and collaborate on projects.
If you are seeing something different from what is outlined in this article, that is due to the customizations applied to the Collaboration Hub by the organization.
Email Notifications
If enabled by the organization, you will receive email notifications whenever new work is assigned to you:
- Added to Project Team: This notification is sent whenever you are added to a new project.
- Task Assignment: This notification is sent whenever new tasks are assigned to you on projects.
Additionally, you will receive the Daily Planner Email every morning. The Daily Planner summarizes all of your assigned tasks and provides an overview of upcoming deadlines. The Daily Planner Email is a great way to plan upcoming priorities and review assigned work. You will also have the ability to complete assignments directly from the email.
You can manage your notification preferences directly in the TaskRay app. When in the app, click on the gear icon in the top right corner of the TaskRay toolbar to access Tools and Settings. From there, click on the Notifications tab in the left sidebar and use the checkboxes to manage preferences.
For an overview of notifications, check out this interactive walkthrough.
My Work
The best place to review assigned tasks in the Collaboration Hub is in My Work.
Depending on the specific configurations applied, you will see My Work either on the main/home page of the Collaboration Hub and/or within the TaskRay app itself.
My Work organizes all tasks that are assigned to you and allows updating them as you manage work. Additionally, if you are assigned any checklist items on tasks, those can be managed from My Work as well.
Other Views: Kanban and Plan
Depending on configurations, you might also have access to two additional views for managing assignments in the Collaboration Hub: Kanban View and Plan View. These views are designed for visualizing full project plans and managing assignments in different ways.
- Kanban View organizes tasks into status columns and allows moving tasks across stages within the context of the entire project plan.
- Plan View visualizes the entire project plan on a timeline and provides insight into how the tasks are scheduled, the overall project structure, and dependency relationships.
If these views are available to you in the Collaboration Hub, we recommend reviewing the following guide that includes interactive walkthroughs to demonstrate the functionality and review best practices for managing assignments: Task Management: Tips for Efficiency.
Task and Project Detail Modal
When managing assignments, you can expand projects and tasks for a more detailed overview. Within the detail modals, you will see key information about the work, as well as some navigational tabs for various additional functions.
- If you are in My Work, you can access the Task Detail modal by clicking on the task name.
- If you are in Kanban or Plan View:
- You can access the Task Detail modal by double-clicking on the task card.
- You can access the Project Detail modal by double-clicking on the project name in the left sidebar.
If a task has any checklist items, those will be listed in the Checklist tab within the Task Detail modal. As you manage the work, you can mark checklist items as complete from this tab.
Collaborating Using Chatter
If enabled by the organization, Chatter allows collaborating directly on projects and tasks. This is a great way to share updates, discuss work with other team members, and keep a record of relevant information. You can also @mention other team members in Chatter if you need to address them directly.
Chatter in the Task and Project Detail Modals
Locate the project or task on which you need to access Chatter and open its Detail Modal. When in the detail modal, click on the Chatter tab at the top. From here, you can respond to messages and share updates as necessary.
TaskRay Feed Component
If configured, you will see the TaskRay Feed component in the Collaboration Hub. The Feed component summarizes all Chatter activity on your projects and tasks. From here, you can respond to messages and share additional updates as necessary.
If enabled by the organization, Files might be incorporated in the work that you will be managing within the Collaboration Hub. Files is the place to review and share resources that are relevant to the work being managed.
To access Files, locate the needed project or task and open its Detail Modal. When in the detail modal, click on the Files tab at the top. From here, you can review, open, and share files and links.
Time Tracking
If time tracking is required for managing assignments, you will see the TaskRay Time component in the Collaboration Hub. Using this component, you can log time against assigned tasks to track how long it took to complete the work.
Where To Go For Assistance
If you need any help with the Collaboration Hub or if you have general questions, here's where you can go for help. First, reach out to your main point of contact at the organization that granted you access to the Collaboration Hub. Additionally, you can also get in touch with TaskRay Support by submitting a request.