This article covers legacy Flux Capacity functionality.
- If you are in the beginning stages of setting up resource management functionality in your org, or if you are already using TaskRay Resource Management features, refer to the new Resource Management documentation.
- If your organization currently uses Flux Capacity for resource management, use this article if you need to get information on Flux functionality.
Flux Planner Tab (inside the TaskRay app)
The Flux Planner Contextual Component is accessed inside the TaskRay app by opening a Project modal window, as shown here:
NOTE: Your Salesforce Admin can also embed the Flux Planner in Lightning pages and Flows. Check these articles for details on how to add the Flux Planner to other valuable locations inside Salesforce.
Add the Flux Planner Contextual Component to Lightning Record Pages
Add the Flux Planner Contextual Component to a TaskRay Onboarding Flow Template
Usage instructions for the Contextual Component are the same regardless of location.
Date Range
When working in context, he timeline date range is automatically set to begin at the earliest OPEN Task start date and end at the latest OPEN Task end date. For longer duration Projects and Tasks, you might wish to modify the date range of the timeline to speed performance or focus on a specific period by clicking the pencil icon (shown below).
View Settings: Summary
Use the Summary icon at the top-right of the component to expose Summary Settings.
Resource Summary Based On
This setting controls which Tasks are included in the Resource summary row calculations, regardless of which ‘Task Types to Display’ filter you may have applied.
Options are based on the ‘Allocation’ checkbox field on the TaskRay Task object.
- All: Allocation = True or False
- Allocation: Allocation = True
- Work: Allocation = False
Resource Summary By
This setting controls the level of granularity for Resource summary row calculations.
View Settings: Filters
On initial load, the Flux Planner Contextual Component will display all Resources that own at least 1 Task on the Project.
In the screenshot below, all Tasks on the Project are owned by either the ERP Consultant queue, Onboarding Specialist queue, or Jenny Thompson resource.
Applying Flux Team or Flux Resource filters will only further reduce which Resources are displayed in the timeline.
Only Queues filter: Use this toggle to view All Resources or only Queue Resources.
In the screenshot below, we see that selecting Only Queues removes Jenny Thompson from the view with the ERP Consultant and Onboarding Specialist queues still visible. This can be helpful when focusing on the process of assembling a Project Team.
Include All Tasks for Display filter: Use this toggle to expand the data set to include all In-flight Projects’ Tasks with dates overlapping the current Project’s open Tasks’ date range.
In the screenshot below, we see all of the Projects Jenny Thompson is working on concurrently with this Project. This Project (Cheyenne Ski) is listed at the top in light purple with all other Projects below it in dark purple. This can be helpful when a PM or Resource Manager is trying to determine the overall workload for their resources beyond the current Project and competing priorities that may arise.
What’s Not Included even if Include All Tasks for Display is selected?
- TaskRay Projects where Exclude from Flux Forecasts = True
- TaskRay Tasks where Archived = True
- TaskRay Tasks where Completed = True
Resource Timeline
Resource Summary row
Each Flux Resource has a top-line stats bar that summarizes all In-flight Projects and Tasks (even when not displayed), not just the current Project.
In the screenshot below, we see Jenny Thompson’s summary row includes forecasted hours beyond just this Project. This provides a holistic view of utilization and insight into just how much work is on a Resource’s plate while also working on this Project.
Drill-down: Project level
On initial load, the component will expand each Resource to display this Project.
TaskRay Project daily summary stats are comprised of the following elements:
- Daily Forecast Hours (1.5 hours of work forecast for this Project on Sept 29)
- Project Utilization % -- ie. How much of the Resource’s total capacity is filled by this Project? (Daily Forecast Hours / Daily Resource Capacity = 27% in this case since Jenny only has a daily capacity of 5.5 hrs)
Drill-down: Task level
Click on the arrow icon next to a Project name to open underlying TaskRay Task details as shown below.
Above we see the 2 TaskRay Tasks related to this Project for Jenny Thompson. TaskRay Task daily summary stats are displayed similar to Project stats.