Reports and Analytics

This feature is available to the following product editions
  • Starter
  • Standard
  • Premium

Note: Specific functionality varies by edition. Portfolio View and Resource Analytics are available on Standard and Premium editions.


Reporting and analyzing project performance is one of the core elements of project management. It provides a way to identify trends and opportunities for improvement in standardized repeatable processes. 

TaskRay provides various ways to report on project and process performance. In this article, we provide a summary of available options.


Salesforce Reports

TaskRay comes with a set of pre-made reports. Since TaskRay is native to the Salesforce platform, you are able to report on TaskRay data the same way that you can report on other Salesforce objects. The packaged sample reports are built using the native Salesforce reporting functionality, so they can be customized the same way as other Salesforce reports. For additional information on how to create and customize reports, please see official Salesforce support documentation: Reports and Dashboards and Trailhead: Reports & Dashboards.

Important! Keep in mind that if you delete or customize any of the TaskRay reports, those changes will be saved and the original associated reports will be overwritten. Therefore, the only way to get to the original reports if they are needed would be to manually rebuild them. As an alternative, if you want to keep the original reports for reference, make copies of them and then modify the copies.

You can find the TaskRay reports by clicking on the Reports tab and then opening one of the following folders: TaskRay Reports, TaskRay Onboarding Reports, or TaskRay Time Reports.

You can find pre-packaged TaskRay reports by navigating to Reports in Salesforce and then opening one of the folders listed below.

TaskRay Reports

The reports in this folder are generic and can be used as starting points for getting insights on basic information as it relates to TaskRay.


TaskRay Time Reports

This folder contains reports that are specific to the time tracking functionality in TaskRay.


TaskRay Onboarding Reports

These reports are specific to the customer onboarding use case.


TaskRay Template Reports

This folder contains reports that are specific to templates. We recommend sharing this folder with user that have the TaskRay - Template Manager Access permission set. '


Salesforce Dashboards

Similar to how it is possible to report on TaskRay data using native Salesforce reporting functionality, it is possible to surface TaskRay data in Dashboards. For more information, see the Dashboards article.


In-App Project Insights

TaskRay also provides in-app functionality for project insights.


Insights Tab

The Project Insights feature surfaces key project metrics for a quick overview of progress. For more information, see the Project Insights article.


Portfolio View (Standard and Premium Editions)

Portfolio View allows viewing subsets of projects and getting summarized insights. For more information, see the Portfolio View article.


Resource Analytics (Standard and Premium Editions)

If you are using TaskRay Resource Management, then you also have access to Resource Analytics. This is a dashboard that is specific to Resource Management data. Standard Edition customers can use this dashboard to review historical data. Premium Edition customers can review historical data, as well as forecast data. For more information, see the Resource Analytics article.



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