Assign Licenses [Admin]
This step does not apply if you are on the free trial or working out of a sandbox. However, you will need to complete this step once you purchase TaskRay licenses or transition to production to provide access to the app for applicable users.
After you purchase TaskRay licenses, you will need to assign them to the designated users to give those users access to the app.
Keep in mind, if you ever need to transfer licenses between users, you can follow the same process to do so.
- From Setup, navigate to Apps | Packaging | Installed Packages.
- Click on Manage Licenses next to TaskRay.
- Click Add Users.
- Select users.
- Click Add.
TaskRay Permission Sets [Admin]
TaskRay access is managed by permission sets. After installation, it is necessary to assign permission sets to the designated users to ensure that they have the necessary level of access to the app.
Out of the box, TaskRay provides a set of pre-configured permission sets that can be assigned to users. Below you will find information about the different permission sets.
While the permission sets provided by TaskRay should apply in most cases, it is possible to tailor permissions further if needed for advanced use cases. For this purpose, we recommend utilizing Permission Set Groups.
Base Permission Sets - Internal Users
This section outlines the main TaskRay permission sets that are provided with the package. These permission sets are intended for internal users.
Standard Access
The TaskRay - Standard Access permission set ensures that the users that have it assigned get full access to all TaskRay objects and functionality. With the Standard Access permission set, users will be able to read, create, edit, and delete TaskRay records (e.g. TaskRay Project, TaskRay Task, TaskRay Checklist Item). This permission set also ensures that any updates to the app (e.g. major releases with new features, bug fixes) become available to the users automatically.
Read-Only Access
It is also possible to assign certain users the TaskRay - Read Only Access permission set. This permission set allows to see everything in TaskRay, but not edit.
Users with this permission set will be able to read TaskRay records (e.g. TaskRay Project, TaskRay Task, TaskRay Checklist Item). This permission set does not provide create, edit, or delete access to any records. This permission set also ensures that any updates to the app become available to the users automatically (read only).
Additive Permission Sets
This section outlines the additive TaskRay permission sets that are provided with the package. These permission sets should be assigned in addition to one a base permission set (e.g. TaskRay - Standard Access).
Project Manager Access
The TaskRay - Project Manager Access permission set grants elevated access in TaskRay to users who need to make administrative changes to in-flight projects. This permission set grants additional access beyond what's provided in the Standard Access permission set, but does not grant all the administrative access provided by the TaskRay - Admin Access permission set.
The Project Manager Access permission set contains the following custom permissions:
- TaskRay Advanced Scheduler: Allows users to use the Advanced Scheduler feature (in premium edition)
Template Manager Access
The TaskRay - Template Manager Access permission set grants elevated access in TaskRay to users who need to manage templates. This permission set grants additional access beyond what's provided in the Standard Access permission set, but does not grant all the administrative access provided by the TaskRay - Admin Access permission set.
Use this permission set to grant access to the Template Hub (which includes the Template Builder).
Resource Manager Access
The TaskRay - Resource Manager Access permission set grants elevated access in TaskRay to users who need to manage resources and related information. This permission set grants additional access beyond what's provided in the Standard Access permission set, but does not grant all the administrative access provided by the TaskRay - Admin Access permission set.
Use this permission set to grant access to the Resource Management section of Configuration Hub which includes access to manage Resources, Roles, and Attributes. Additionally, use this permission set to grant access to the Resource Planner.
Admin Access
It is possible to designate certain TaskRay users with power user access using the TaskRay - Admin Access permission set. This permission set opens up access to certain configuration settings that are specific to TaskRay.
The Admin Access permission set contains the following custom permissions:
- Define Task Weighting: Ability to define the mode for task weighting.
- Enhanced Filtering Admin: Opens up access to manage enhanced filtering, including configurations of board and project filters, as well as sharing the filters with the applicable users. Applies to Enhanced filtering.
- Share Board Filters: Applies to legacy filtering functionality only. Ability to access Sharing Settings on Project, Task, and Board Filters to manage filter sharing with Public Groups.
- Manage Project Schedule Settings: Allows access to change project schedule org-wide default setting.
- TaskRay Advanced Scheduler: Allows users to use the Advanced Scheduler feature (in premium edition)
This permission set also grants access to the Configuration Hub, Template Hub (which includes the Template Builder), and the Resource Planner.
Supplemental Permissions
In the list of TaskRay permission sets, you might also notice one or multiple permission sets named TaskRay Supplemental Permissions <month> <year> (does not apply to new installs). These permission sets correlate with TaskRay product releases.
TaskRay product updates introduce new features and app functionality, which often require new permissions for users. The supplemental TaskRay permission sets include permissions specific to the respective release.
These permissions only apply if you have configured a custom TaskRay permission set and are not using either of the TaskRay Standard permission sets.
If you are using any of the standard permission sets to access TaskRay, you can ignore (and delete) the supplemental permission sets.
Base Permission Sets - External Users
This section describes the main TaskRay permission set included with the package that is intended for external users (e.g. Collaboration Hub or Collaboration Experience users). Additionally, this section includes guidance on how to set up read-only access for external users if necessary.
TaskRay External - Standard Access
The TaskRay External - Standard Access permission set is intended for external users. It ensures that the external users that have it assigned get full access to all TaskRay objects and functionality. This permission set also ensures that any updates to the app (e.g. major releases with new features, bug fixes) become available to the users automatically.
Read Only Access for External Users
If it is necessary to set up external users with read-only access, then the recommended approach is to leverage the Permission Set Groups. For this purpose, the Permission Set Group configuration should include the TaskRay External - Standard Access as the base and a muting permission set to lock down editing access where necessary.
Feature-Specific Permission Sets
This section outlines packaged TaskRay permission sets that are designed for different external collaboration features. These permission sets are not intended to be assigned to any users and are used in behind-the-scenes configurations of related features.
- TaskRay Collaboration Connect Flow Access: Used for Collaboration Connect.
- TaskRay External - Forms Access: Used for the Customer Onboarding Feedback Form.
- TaskRay External - Read Only Access: Used for the Collaboration View.
Assign Permission Sets [Admin]
Now that you know the difference between the TaskRay permission sets, the next step is to assign them to the users as needed.
- From Setup, navigate to:
- Lightning: Users | Permission Sets.
- Classic: Administer | Manage Users | Permission Sets.
- Click on a permission set name (e.g. TaskRay - Standard Access).
- Click Manage Assignments.
- Click Add Assignments.
- Select users.
- Click Assign.
- Click Done to confirm.
Grant Access to the TaskRay Salesforce App [Admin]
The designated TaskRay users need to have access to the TaskRay App (Tab).
- From Setup, navigate to Apps | App Manager.
- Locate the TaskRay Lightning App. Click on the Show More arrow for it and select Edit.
- Click on the Assign to User Profiles tab.
- Assign to User Profiles. From the Available Profiles list, select the Profiles that need access to the app and move them to the Selected Profiles section using the Add arrow.
- Click Save.